Hello,This is me!

Olatuja Oloyede

Creative Writer Professional Web Designer Content Editor

About me


I'mOlatuja Oloyede

A Writer and a Tech Enthusiast

As a creative content writer, I have written over 400 poems, published books for many international organizations mostly in the United States, United Kingdom and Columbia. You will find many of my personal works on creativearena.org.ng. I also design all kinds of websites at pocket friendly prices. My area of expertise includes, but not limited to business or company websites, blogs, e-commerce, portfolios, community websites, multi-level marketing platforms, and e-learning platforms. I have my client-base both within and outside the continent of Africa. I also provide hosting services, cheap domain registration and almost free web maintenance for web owners and designers. I love astronomy with a special interest in astrobiology. I am curious to know if life exists beyond our planet and what form it might be. I love swimming, cycling, playing open-world games and simulation games. I sing, play piano, flutes, drums and trumpet, each with different degree of mastery. My conviction of God and divinity is not stereotypical and therefore not subjective to questionable theocracies of dogmatic minds. Sometimes, I wish I was born a billion years from now. Maybe then, teleportation, telepathy, time travel and telekinetic energy will not be mere fantasies of pseudoscience but a normalized technology of the age. But will humans be around for that long? I am curious the sun might swell in fury as a giant star and raze the earth to vapor or contracts with dull flames into a dwarf star and the earth will sink in stoning ice forever. Unfortunately, we will be gone with our curiosities except only if the soul of man is truly indestructible. I am frail, fallible, and human. I prioritize love, and humanity. I wish we let animals thrive in their habitats without killing them (especially the harmless ones) for food. I am Olatuja Oloyede and below are links to my other websites.


Web Design

2012-till date

With several years into web design and development, I have landed some impressive gigs and delivered amazing projects to organizations within and outside the United States. My web design firm started as HOT in 2012 later, TechlinkNig in 2017 and now Hubnig since 2019. These changes are necessitated by the constantly growing range of services rendered. Hubnig.com currently offers services in different categories, including web design, android applications, domain registration and hosting services, e-learning, multivendor services etc. Kindly check www.hubnig,com for details.

Creative Content Creator

2018-till date

I started my ghostwriting career officially in December 2018 and I have been able to work with individuals, groups and organisations from different countries of the world. Writing is my passion. I have written over 300 poems, short stories, faction and fictions.

Connection Avenue


I worked in the academic department

Creative Arena


Web Engineer


Web Design

I design all kinds of websites. I can help you design your blogs, portfolio websites, landing page, e-commerce websites, school websites, religion or group websites, among others.


This is my data and airtime automated vending platform. Our products are all offered at discount company price. You can get your airtime, data, cable tv subscriptions, exam cards, electricity bills, etc, on the website.

Creative Arena

This is my creative freelancing firm. We ghostwrite, copywrite, rewrite, or enhance your ideas and intentions in a uniquely captivating way. We have clients within and outside the continent. In case you need a writer for your projects or ideas, you can contact me for more details.


This platform offers a wide range of online services and opportunities. You can register for free to sell your products online, manage your store and reach global audience. You can choose to resell existing products at your own price and make profits. You can learn to become a web designer yourself. Visit hubnig.com to learn more.


This is like multiplesub.com. I would encourage you to use the first website. But this is an alternative platform for all our airtime and data vendors.


Oloyede Templates is a platform that offers over 2000 predesigned templates and installations for free to web designers. Check details of this at the above website.


Web Designed


Apps built


Creative Jobs Taken





In this season
Of white skin and dry lips,
The moon smiles at it.

This season of
Warm soul and cold body.
Only it makes the living-dead
Smile at the ongoing.

Season for one, season for all,
Merrying here, dinning there,
Drooling here, crouching there.

©Taiwo Daniel

Act of Love

*Act of Love*

A perfect lady who has dimple and Gapped teeth is rare. Strong, dark and beautiful. Godly and friendly. Homely and courteous. Respectful and yet naughty. The words of her mouth melts even the hardest hearts.
Very jovial and full of life.
Who doesn't want to make that a wife?
And win for himself a blissful life.

Even after the wedding,
Everything will still be bubbling.
There might not be much money,
Yet she'd still remain my honey.
For she'd holds a special place in my heart
To you my stream 2 Queen I doff my hat
For you got my back and gave me a pat
When I was falling apart like a pack of card.

She: Why? my heart is panting already!
He: And yet the stage is not ready.
And yet the stage is not ready
Hold steady, my lady.
The clock strikes upon the hour,
Waiting for you to pour
To pour out your soul.
Pour, until the glass if full
Till the the sun meets the moon.

To herald the coming of a boo,
With a shoe.
My heart turns the track
And I wonder why they race so fast.
Until I see the sun hold fast,
To behold the rare perfect lady who has dimple and Gapped teeth.

For it is unto you I bring this wish
Laying it at your golden feet.
My demands ready for you to meet,
My rare perfect lady with a dimple and Gapped teeth.

She: My dear, what demands?
He: My demand are a brand
And I wear them about as a band.
Until the day I will receive you with a band
To ask for a hand- your hand.
To be given to a husband.
On that day,  I shall dance to the band,
Round the town and around. And my joy shall know no bounds.
My heart is failing
Waiting to hear from you,
For those lovely hands,
Of my rare perfect lady with a dimple and Gapped teeth.

She: I will be glad to stretch my undefiled hands to dance with the perfect man.....whose heart is of perfect wish for me.

He: Pour out For me...
My ears itch to hear what you have to say to me, My intestines twist to hear from you

She: I love u 🤦‍♀
But My heart is heavy and Am really scared  in my thinking
He: I was already in the spirit and I can feel it in my sou.
But I have to descend back into my body and feel my hands...
She: I wish all dat am feeling is just a joke
He: But your heart seems to be locked in a yoke
You keep launching me into the space
I'm lost when you are not there with me
Yet u turn your back and want to give a space?
My eyes are fixed upon your gaze
Until u tell me I won't shift my face
My rare perfect lady with a dimple and Gapped teeth.

©EazyB and D'Temmy
Act of Love

Hopes of a Brokenhearted Lover

*Hopes of a Brokenhearted Lover.*
I  told you I loved you
And while you couldn't help the laughter
I couldn't help the pain
The pain of dreams filmed with you,
The pain of seeing you every blessed day,
The pain of wanting what had become unnecessarily forbidden,
The pain of you being so close but light years away.

I still love you, though,
'Cause thoughts of you still calm my troubled nerves at night,
Being with you gives me sanity,
Talking to you is as close as I get to freedom.

So, I still hope against reality,
I still hope against hope.
I reassure myself by thinking the future is undefined,
As pliable as wet clay.
This river has swept me away once before
But you can't step in the same river twice.


Fly with the Moment

Fly with the moment

Day dying in a hurry,

Thick cloud lingering,

Dreams laid under the cloud.

Many are mortar worries
Like Joseph robe.

Could these mugs of liquor
Soothe the sweating heart?

Could puffs of white papers
Sway the haunting  past?

Maybe just for moment
And let me fly with the moment.

Would virgin moon be born tonight?

Would stars come out to dance?

The gods are slumbering.

No bosoms of damsel to feast

No hairy thighs of damsel to oil

Tonight, let me fly with the moment_niyeric9518

Angel of Mons

When my heart is shattered,
And my soul is battered,
And I tear down tattered,
All I need is an Angel of Mons
When the world is against me,
When they hinder and obstruct my acme,
Raining propaganda and blasphemy,
All I need is an Angel of Mons
When they hiss and pass me by,
Leaving me with the hope that I die,
With no hope but to look up at the sky,
All I need is an Angel of Mons
When I'm stranded with no hope,
Feeling useless like the manhood of a Pope,
And it all seems like I can never cope,
All I need is an Angel of Mons
I will always shine and thrive,
Even in the rigours of life's strife,
A helper will always be at my rescue,
And that is my Angel of Mons
So, when it seems all hope is lost,
And you feel like returning to dust,
All you need is some faith and trust,
There will always be an Angel of Mons.


The Girl with the Broken Heart

*The girl with the broken heart*
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she has ~slain~ far too many hearts
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she has watched far too many dreams die
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she has heard many lies
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she knows all about last goodbye kisses
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she loves with her head nor her heart
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she lies with every smile
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she'll drown you in her soul
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she'll shatter your fragile heart
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, she'll trap you in her black and white picture
Don't trust the girl with the broken heart, her heart is made of stone...


We Met Again

From the forests of ancestral relics
From the jungles of our plundered home
From the crossroads of infant memories
We went separate ways
Pleading the hostile Lords of faraway shores
For crumbs of degrees and rags of honour
The dusts of many years raised between us
The wind drifted our course apart
We sank into the dark shadows of great distance
Yet we met again

We met again
Not behind the flakes  of flaming hearths
In the huts we innocently once gathered
Listening to the wisdom of our race
born through peaceful nights of wise reflection
We met again

We met again
Not on the hills our frail feet once stood
Watching the flowers blossom with the morning
Not by the shores of childhood river
Picking the clean pebbles as a reward of adventure
We met again

We met again
At mama's funeral
She died too tired of neglect
Finally joining the faces of whose ways she understands

We met again
Loud banters danced around the kegs of wine
But the spirit of kinship is lost
Though shoulder to shoulder we sat
A wall of distance is raised between us
In my mind
I lament the past I can not redeem
And the future I can not change

We met at the dawn of civilization
Not as brothers or friends
But as strangers in our motherland

How sweet to know when we will die

We are born for too much worries
Our bones made to carry too much sorrows
Some burdens are made for the soul
And others really not unnecessary

Fear is the jester of giants
The darkness that gathers in our hearts

Of all deep things that assails men
Death is the most intriguing

How sweet, how sweet
To know when we will die
To mourn at one's funeral before any other
And cast sands at one's coffin
But destiny often can not afford that luxury

The fear of death kills many
The inactivity of the grave haunts me!!

© Olatuja Oloyede

We can only wander

They were once where we are now
Life is a busy passage
Men keep coming and going
None stopping to make it his home

Too many questions are never answered
Some things are better left unknown
And some mysteries never fully understood

The universe is a complex mass of existence
The curious nature of the human mind
Will lead us into further irredeemable conflicts
We can only wander
Between the knowledge of the past
And the adventures of the future

© Olatuja Oloyede

The First Day I Fell in Love

Like a captain floundered in the ocean of ice
Sinking deep in pain but unable to scream
That was how I felt
The first day I fell in love

Dinner had no taste
Friendships had no meanings
All I wanted for life was you
That was how I felt
The first time I fell in love

Sleep scampered from my bed
Night left only worries behind
I rolled alone on my mat
And smiled continuously at nothing
That was how I felt
The first time I feel in love

There was melody everywhere you were
With you the sun smiled and the wind sang
I gave my heart for you all at once
But you grinded it into powder
And blew it into the air

Without looking back
You left without any goodbye
Vowing your love to any other but me

The heart may be strong enough to forgive great betrayals
But will never heal from the wounds of love
For the deepest of all pains
And the sourest of all tears
Are those caused by those we truly love

© Olatuja Oloyede

The Right Road by David Diop

Brothers whose youth they would tear in shreds
Do not look for truth among their simpering words
Among paternalist yes-men and backstairs betrayals
Do not look for beauty in the restless mask
Soaking in perfume their hideous sores
Nor for love in those exposed thighs
Coining adventure in pick-up bars
Truth Beauty Love
Is the workman smashing the deadly composure of their drawing room
Is the woman who walks by, sensuous and solemn
The kiss that crosses the frontiers of calculation
And the flowers between couples and the child in the arms its loves
Is everything they have lost brothers
And what together we will enroll down the roads of the world

Belonging by G. Adali Mortty

You may excel
In the knowledge of their tongue,
And universal ties may bind you close to them;
But what they say, and how they feel___
The subtler details of their meaning,
Thinking, feeling, reaching____
These are closed to you and me for evermore;
As are, indeed, the interleaves or speech
___our speech___which fall on them
No more than were they dear leaves
In dust-dry harmattan,
Although, for years, they've lived
And counted all there is to count
In out midst!

Tried Faith

The trial of your faith”

1 Peter 1:7

Faith untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith, and it is likely to remain dwarfish so long as it is without trials. Faith never prospers so well as when all things are against her: tempests are her trainers, and lightnings are her illuminators. When a calm reigns on the sea, spread the sails as you will, the ship moves not to its harbour; for on a slumbering ocean the keel sleeps too. Let the winds rush howling forth, and let the waters lift up themselves, then, though the vessel may rock, and her deck may be washed with waves, and her mast may creak under the pressure of the full and swelling sail, it is then that she makes headway towards her desired haven. No flowers wear so lovely a blue as those which grow at the foot of the frozen glacier; no stars gleam so brightly as those which glisten in the polar sky; no water tastes so sweet as that which springs amid the desert sand; and no faith is so precious as that which lives and triumphs in adversity. Tried faith brings experience. You could not have believed your own weakness had you not been compelled to pass through the rivers; and you would never have known God’s strength had you not been supported amid the water-floods. Faith increases in solidity, assurance, and intensity, the more it is exercised with tribulation. Faith is precious, and its trial is precious too. Let not this, however, discourage those who are young in faith. You will have trials enough without seeking them: the full portion will be measured out to you in due season.

Meanwhile, if you cannot yet claim the result of long experience, thank God for what grace you have; praise him for that degree of holy confidence whereunto you have attained: walk according to that rule, and you shall yet have more and more of the blessing of God, till your faith shall remove mountains and conquer impossibilities


Eye adaba

The white cattle egret
You were the song in my childish heart
That made my unbridled lips to sing
And my weak hands to swing hastily through the wind
I leaped so high at your sight
Ran all length of wide fields
Eagerly following your trail

I had been told by my brothers
That you the dove is the bird of God
The bearer of divine wisdom
Around whose claws clustered the fate of men
And each time you left a white spot in my fingers
The smiles of thanks never left my mouth

Though ignorance was weakened with years
My mind toughened with knowledge
And my heart has learnt the ways of the elders

The egret is a bird of bigger symbol
Clothed with white feathers
Configured in ultimate meekness
A bird of transcendental implications

Although the white spots are gone from my hands
But your pureness never leaves my heart


© Olatuja Oloyede

Wisdom Quotes and Proverbs {51-185}

51. Bachelors. Bachelors grin, but married men laugh till their hearts ache.
52. Bachelors' wives. Bachelors' wives and maids' children are always well taught.
53. Bad. Where bad's the best, naught must be the choice.
54. Bad company. Better be alone than in bad company.
55. Bad day. A bad day never hath a good night.
56. Bad market. He that cannot abide a bad market deserves not a good one.
57. Bagpipe. Bring not a bagpipe to a man in trouble.
58. Bags. He is most loved that hath most bags.
59. Bail. Be bail and pay for it.
60. Balance. The balance distinguishes not between gold and lead.
61. Bald head. A bald head is soon shaven.
62. Banquet. There's no great banquet but some fare ill.
63. Barber's chair. Like a barber's chair, fit for every buttock.
64. Barber. One barber shaves not so close but another finds work.
65. Barefooted. Barefooted men should not tread on thorns.
66. Bare foot. Better a bare foot than no foot at all.
67. Bargain. Make the best of a bad bargain.
68. Bargain. A bargain is a bargain.
69. Bargain. At a great bargain make a great pause.

70. Bark. What! keep a dog and bark myself?
71. Barkers. The greatest barkers are not always the sorest biters.
72. Barley.
When the sloe-tree is as white as a sheet,
Sow your barley, whether it be dry or wet.
73. Barleycorn. Sir John Barleycorn is the strongest knight.
74. Barley straw. Barley straw's good fodder when the cow gives water.
75. Barrel. You cannot know wine by the barrel.
76. Batchelor. Commend a wedded life, but keep thyself a batchelor.
77. Bean. Every bean has its black.
78. Beans. Sow beans in the mud, they'll grow like wood.
79. Beans. Beans should blow before May doth go.
80. Bear. A man may bear till his back breaks.
81. Bear. Bear and forbear.
82. Bear. Bear with evil and expect good.
83. Beat. 'Tis easy to find a staff to beat a dog.
84. Beaten. Better to be beaten than be in bad company.
85. Beaten.
A spaniel, a woman, and a walnut tree,
The more they're beaten the better they be.
86. Beauty. Beauty buys no beef.
87. Beauty. Beauty is no inheritance.
88. Beauty. Beauty is but skin deep.
89. Bed. As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
90. Bed. He who lies long in bed his estate feels it.

91. Bees.
A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay,
But a swarm of bees in July is not worth a fly.
92. Bees. Where bees are there is honey.
93. Before. He that hires the horse must ride before.
94. Beggar. Better be a beggar than a fool.
95. Beggar. A beggar can never be bankrupt.
96. Beggar. The beggar is never out of his way.
97. Beggars. Beggars must not be choosers.
98. Beggars. Beggars on horseback will ride to the devil.
99. Beggary. Trash and trumpery is the highway to beggary.
100. Begging. Begging is an ill trade on a fast-day.
101. Beginning. A good beginning makes a good ending.
102. Beginning. Such a beginning, such an end.
103. Begin well. Good to begin well; better to end well.
104. Begun. Well begun is half done.
105. Behind. When two ride together one must ride behind.
106. Believe. You would make me believe the moon is made of green cheese.
107. Believe. Believe well and have well.
108. Bell. Fear not the loss of the bell more than the loss of the steeple.
109. Bend. Bend the twig while it is young.
110. Bent. As the twig is bent the tree's inclined.
111. Best. The best is cheapest.
112. Best. The best lie is the worst.
113. Best. Make the best of a bad bargain.
114. Best dog. Let the best dog leap the stile first.
115. Bet. Any fool can bet.
116. Better. The better the day, the better the deed.
117. Beware. Beware of "Had I wist."
118. Bidden. Do as you are bidden and you'll never be to blame.
119. Birchen Twigs. Birchen twigs break no ribs.
120. Bird. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

121. Bird. Every bird must hatch her own egg.
122. Bird. One beats the bush and another catcheth the bird.
123. Birds. Birds of a feather flock together.
124. Bird. The bird that can sing and will not sing, must be made to sing.
125. Birds (small). Even small birds must have meat.
126. Bite. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.
127. Bites. He that bites on every weed must needs light on poison.
128. Bit. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.
129. Bitter bird. Thou art a bitter bird, said the raven to the starling.
130. Black plum. A black plum is as sweet as a white.
131. Blast.
The sharper the blast,

The shorter 'twill last.
132. Blind. As blind as a bat.
133. Blind. Who so blind as he that will not see?
134. Blind man. A blind man would be glad to see it.
135. Blind man. Like a treatise on light and colours by a blind man.
136. Blood. You cannot get blood out of a stone.
137. Blot. 'Tis a blot on his escutcheon.
138. Blushing. Blushing is virtue's colour.
139. Blusters. He who blusters without reason has most reason to bluster.
140. Boast. Great boast, small roast.
141. Boil Snow. Whether you boil snow or pound it, you will have but water from it.
142. Bone. Give a dog a bone in his mouth, and you may kick him and he can't bite.
143. Bone. I have a bone in my arm.
144. Bone. The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat.
145. Born. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.

146. Borrowed garments. Borrowed garments never fit well.
147. Bought wit. Bought wit is best.
148. Bought wit. Bought wit makes folk wise.
149. Bound. They that are bound must obey.
150. Bow. A bow long bent at last waxeth weak.
151. Bowl. It is easy to bowl down hill.
152. Boys. Boys will be boys.
153. Brag. Brag's a good dog, but Holdfast is a better.
154. Brag. Brag's a good dog, but that he hath lost his tail.
155. Brag. Brag's a good dog if he be well set on; but he dare not bite.
156. Braggers. Great braggers, little doers.
157. Brain. The brain that sows not corn, plants thistles.
158. Bran. Much bran, little meal.
159. Bread and Butter.
They that have no other meat,
Bread and butter are glad to eat.
160. Breakfast. He who would have a hare for breakfast must hunt over night.
161. Breaking. The best horse needs breaking, and the best child needs teaching.
162. Bred. That which is bred in the bone will never be out of the flesh.
163. Brevity. Brevity is the soul of wit.
164. Brew. As you brew, so shall you bake.
165. Bribe. A bribe will enter without knocking.
166. Brimmer. There is no deceit in a brimmer.
167. Broken leg. A broken leg is not healed by a silk stocking.
168. Burden. A burden which one chooses is not felt.
169. Burden. The back is made for the burden.
170. Burden. No one knows the weight of another's burden.
171. Burdens. The greatest burdens are not the gainfullest.
172. Burnt child. A burnt child dreads the fire.
173. Business. Business is the salt of life.
174. Business. Every man as his business lies.
175. Bush. A bad bush is better than the open field.
176. Busy. Who more busy than they that have least to do.
177. Butcher. Better pay the butcher than the doctor.
178. Butter. Butter is gold in the morning, silver at noon, lead at night.
179. Butter. Why, butter would not melt in his mouth!
180. Butter. What is a pound of butter amongst a kennel of hounds?
181. Butter. Once a year butter is in the cow's horn.
182. Buttered. He knows on which side his bread is buttered.
183. Buy. Do not buy a pig in a poke.
184. Buyer. Let the buyer look out for himself.
185. Buys.
Who buys hath need of a hundred eyes.
Who sells hath need of one

Download book from Gutenberg.org

Wisdom, Quotes and Proverbs (1 - 50)

1. Absence. Absence cools moderate passions, and inflames violent ones.
2. Absent. The absent are always at fault.
3. Absent. Long absent, soon forgotten.
4. Aching teeth. Who hath aching teeth, hath ill tenants.
5. Adversity. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.
6. Adversity. Adversity tries friends.
7. Adversity. Adversity flattereth no man.
8. Advice. Give neither advice nor salt until you are asked for it.
9. Advice. What every one asks, what every one gives, but what very few take—advice.
10. Advice. In vain he craves advice who will not follow it.

11. Advice. Advice comes too late when a thing is done.
12. Afraid of wounds. He that's afraid of wounds must not come nigh a battle.
13. Afraid. More afraid than hurt.
14. Age. Age before honesty.
15. Age (old). Old age is honourable.
16. Agree. Two of a trade seldom agree.
17. Agree. Agree, for law is costly.
18. Ague.
An ague in the spring,
Is physic for a king.
19. Agues. Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot.
20. Air. A man cannot live by the air.

21. Alchemy. No alchemy like saving.
22. Ale. Good ale is meat, drink, and cloth.
23. Ale.
He that buys land buys many stones,
He that buys flesh buys many bones,
He that buys eggs buys many shells,
He that buys ale buys nothing else.
24. Ale-house. Every one has a penny to spend at a new ale-house.
25. All's well. All's well that ends well.
26. All things.
No living man
All things can.
27. Almost. Almost was never hanged.
28. Alms. Steal the goose, and give the giblets in alms.
29. Anger. Anger is short-lived in a good man.
30. Anger. Keep from the anger of a great man.

31. Angry men. Angry men seldom want woe.
32. Angry. He that is angry without a cause must be pleased without amends.
33. Another's burden. None knows the weight of another's burden.
34. Apples.
Apples, eggs, and nuts,
One may eat after sluts.
35. April. April and May are the keys of the year.
36. April.
When April blows his horn,
It's both good for hay and corn.
37. April. April borrows three days of March, and they are ill.
38. April showers.
March winds and April showers
Bring forth May flowers.
39. Argus. Argus at home, but a mole abroad.
40. Ashamed. Never be ashamed to eat your meat.

41. Ashes. Every man must eat a peck of ashes before he dies.
42. Ask. Ask but enough, and you may lower as you list.
43. Ask. Ask thy purse what thou shouldst buy.
44. Asking. Lose nothing for asking.
45. Ass. The ass that brays most, eats least.
46. Ass. Every ass thinks himself worthy to stand with the king's horses.
47. August.
August dry and warm,
Harvest doth no harm.
48. August.
If the twenty-fourth of August be fair and clear,
Then hope for a prosperous autumn that year.
49. August. A wet August never brings dearth.
50. Author. Like author, like book

Coined from English Proverbs available for download on Gutenberg.org

Arise, O compatriot!By Mayowa Odewoye

Edmund Burke in his words said "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to sit down and do nothing."
We have been deceived, we have been beaten, we are being deceived and are being beaten again and again. Who will save us from this wickedness? Like the Prophet said in Isaiah "His watchmen are all blind, they are all ignorant; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, laying down, loving to slumber." A generation has failed and had admitted. Another generation also failed and admitted. They loved sleep, they pleasured in slumbering and their  inaction has brought us into this hardship.
We have had leaders who gave themselves for the progress of this country. They understood that leadership is not in titles or offices but in sacrificial service to humanity. Ask the Awo's, the Zik's, and the Bello's. Their works and service to humanity still speak today. No wonder their statues are being erected all over the Nation.
When the head is bad, the whole body is bad also. The leadership of Nigeria is bad, the whole system is bad also. There was a time when the system was good because there were a few good leaders.  Today, the few had gone and are no more. Perhaps they were not proactive enough to think of posterity. The generations that succeeded them were failures. That is why we are where we are today -a pathetic state. All man is for himself, there is no heart for humanity like the Ghandis and Mandelas little wonder why a man amass billions of niara to his private coffers from public office. Little wonder why a minister -who is suppose to be a public servant- would syphon the billions of naira meant for her ministry's project. Little wonder why an appointed politician would manoeuvre documents to suit his wicked interest.
They see public office as an opportunity to amass wealth, enrich and fatten themselves -a poor mindset that most of our said 'politicians' have.
2019 jamboree have started as usual. They have started visiting their failed leaders. They have begun consulting with one another, they have started planning again to recycle the same set of failed leadership we have.
O compatriots arise! For your future. Arise to take the life of your country from wolves disguised in sheep's clothing. Arise to save the unborn generation.
Arise Nigerians to stop recycling corrupt elements in the government. Arise to deliver the prestige of our great Nation to all home and abroad.
Arise so you will not fail the next generation. Time to rise is now!

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to sit and do nothing.
A clarion call to rise from mediocrity.

This is the Age of Madness

In the days gone by
We laughed and danced in circles
Holding hands in love
To sustain the noble course of humanity

But time changes
Some things are gone and may never return

This is the age of madness
The days of darkness
The era of deep hypocrisy
The generation of friendly vipers

The twigs of life are dead
The flowers of the green hills are gone
And it's this injustices of our world
That bring out the beast in us

© Olatuja Oloyede

Sometimes we Dream Dreams

When at dusk the birds are still in their nests
And the market silent in darkness
Only the burning lamp is awake

We slumber quietly into unconscious realm
And dream of great things in good places
Reunited with our infant prayers
Our pains are suspended
Our tears are stopped for a while

Then a rat stumbles on unwashed plates
And street automobiles announce the coming of a new dawn

Startled to life from the distant realm of bliss
All the struggles we left behind yesterday
In a cruel dash rush back at us
For sadness do not go away with sleep
They only hide as snares
Waiting patiently to haunt us again

Sometimes we dream dreams
Sometimes we live life
Yet sometimes we wish our lives were dreams
And that our dreams were lives

© Olatuja Oloyede


This project had bounced around for a while, incomplete and needed lots of help. My vision was captured and communicated precisely. Thank you for another great job

Kelv Jr

United States

This is not the first time I am working with him, and as always, on time delivery of what is expected. He is a very important asset to our team. Thank you.



Amazing. Very good results always. He has been working with us for more than 2 years now and his quality and class remains uncompromised. Thank you for consistently growing with us

Steve Urrego


Olatuja Oloyede
Akure Ondo State, Nigeria


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