Hello,This is me!

Olatuja Oloyede

Creative Writer Professional Web Designer Content Editor

About me


I'mOlatuja Oloyede

A Writer and a Tech Enthusiast

As a creative content writer, I have written over 400 poems, published books for many international organizations mostly in the United States, United Kingdom and Columbia. You will find many of my personal works on creativearena.org.ng. I also design all kinds of websites at pocket friendly prices. My area of expertise includes, but not limited to business or company websites, blogs, e-commerce, portfolios, community websites, multi-level marketing platforms, and e-learning platforms. I have my client-base both within and outside the continent of Africa. I also provide hosting services, cheap domain registration and almost free web maintenance for web owners and designers. I love astronomy with a special interest in astrobiology. I am curious to know if life exists beyond our planet and what form it might be. I love swimming, cycling, playing open-world games and simulation games. I sing, play piano, flutes, drums and trumpet, each with different degree of mastery. My conviction of God and divinity is not stereotypical and therefore not subjective to questionable theocracies of dogmatic minds. Sometimes, I wish I was born a billion years from now. Maybe then, teleportation, telepathy, time travel and telekinetic energy will not be mere fantasies of pseudoscience but a normalized technology of the age. But will humans be around for that long? I am curious the sun might swell in fury as a giant star and raze the earth to vapor or contracts with dull flames into a dwarf star and the earth will sink in stoning ice forever. Unfortunately, we will be gone with our curiosities except only if the soul of man is truly indestructible. I am frail, fallible, and human. I prioritize love, and humanity. I wish we let animals thrive in their habitats without killing them (especially the harmless ones) for food. I am Olatuja Oloyede and below are links to my other websites.


Web Design

2012-till date

With several years into web design and development, I have landed some impressive gigs and delivered amazing projects to organizations within and outside the United States. My web design firm started as HOT in 2012 later, TechlinkNig in 2017 and now Hubnig since 2019. These changes are necessitated by the constantly growing range of services rendered. Hubnig.com currently offers services in different categories, including web design, android applications, domain registration and hosting services, e-learning, multivendor services etc. Kindly check www.hubnig,com for details.

Creative Content Creator

2018-till date

I started my ghostwriting career officially in December 2018 and I have been able to work with individuals, groups and organisations from different countries of the world. Writing is my passion. I have written over 300 poems, short stories, faction and fictions.

Connection Avenue


I worked in the academic department

Creative Arena


Web Engineer


Web Design

I design all kinds of websites. I can help you design your blogs, portfolio websites, landing page, e-commerce websites, school websites, religion or group websites, among others.


This is my data and airtime automated vending platform. Our products are all offered at discount company price. You can get your airtime, data, cable tv subscriptions, exam cards, electricity bills, etc, on the website.

Creative Arena

This is my creative freelancing firm. We ghostwrite, copywrite, rewrite, or enhance your ideas and intentions in a uniquely captivating way. We have clients within and outside the continent. In case you need a writer for your projects or ideas, you can contact me for more details.


This platform offers a wide range of online services and opportunities. You can register for free to sell your products online, manage your store and reach global audience. You can choose to resell existing products at your own price and make profits. You can learn to become a web designer yourself. Visit hubnig.com to learn more.


This is like multiplesub.com. I would encourage you to use the first website. But this is an alternative platform for all our airtime and data vendors.


Oloyede Templates is a platform that offers over 2000 predesigned templates and installations for free to web designers. Check details of this at the above website.


Web Designed


Apps built


Creative Jobs Taken






One more dark night
And it will be over
Only one foggy hour
And it will be forgotten

Sitting alone behind my closed door
A bottle of poison beckon from the rack
As I remember how we were as lovers

You are now married to the rich thief
I know we are done and you are gone

I still loved all the happy moments we shared
It was the best of my simple life
I'm mad at you and at myself
Because I can't stop loving you

My heart has stumbled on the subject of suicide
Pondered in its darkness briefly
But as I near that ecstasy of death
I crave for life once again
I must stay and fight for my place in destiny
Only cowards run to hide behind shallow graves

My heavy heart will never stop asking
If this is how people just walk away

© Olatuja Oloyede


The Love of Christ

“The love of Christ which passeth knowledge”
Ephesians 3:19

The love of Christ in its sweetness, its fulness, its greatness, its faithfulness, passeth all human comprehension. Where shall language be found which shall describe his matchless, his unparalleled love towards the children of men? It is so vast and boundless that, as the swallow but skimmeth the water, and diveth not into its depths, so all descriptive words but touch the surface, while depths immeasurable lie beneath.

Well might the poet say,

“O love, thou fathomless abyss!”

for this love of Christ is indeed measureless and fathomless; none can attain unto it. Before we can have any right idea of the love of Jesus, we must understand his previous glory in its height of majesty, and his incarnation upon the earth in all its depths of shame. But who can tell us the majesty of Christ? When he was enthroned in the highest heavens he was very God of very God; by him were the heavens made, and all the hosts thereof. His own almighty arm upheld the spheres; the praises of cherubim and seraphim perpetually surrounded him; the full chorus of the hallelujahs of the universe unceasingly flowed to the foot of his throne: he reigned supreme above all his creatures, God over all, blessed forever. Who can tell his height of glory then? And who, on the other hand, can tell how low he descended? To be a man was something, to be a man of sorrows was far more; to bleed, and die, and suffer, these were much for him who was the Son of God; but to suffer such unparalleled agony—to endure a death of shame and desertion by his Father, this is a depth of condescending love which the most inspired mind must utterly fail to fathom. Herein is love! and truly it is love that “passeth knowledge” O let this love fill our hearts with adoring gratitude, and lead us to practical manifestations of its power.

© Charles Spurgeon


Precious Gift


Moon ray lusting my pintle
Dancing stars gazing my eyes
Night breeze rustling my heart.

The night magi seducing with gifts,
But you're the most precious gift.
Your eyes, heart and wit
Like biblical Esther.

Gacio Gift,
You're abrahamic gift
That heaven foretold.

To a damsel, Miss Gift Oyewole, Thanks!


There are complaints rolling
There are agitations running
Mouths are ceaselessly speaking
But a deep thought is wanting

Some say "They just wanted to be on top
To show the world their gift of flop
To remove the nation from the up
To  make all drink without a cup"

The problem is not with them that rules us
Rather with all that make up the course
The course Nigeria which none care about the contours
Of which the flag is due to change colours

Let all change but first with you
Let all arise but not a few
So that all may transform with the milieu
So that at night and day comes the vital dew

At this juncture let us chorus we can
At this time, let us not weaken our van
Let us transform ourselves to that man
Whom God in his image made his own

Nigeria the milky land of resources
A part of Africa the mother of sources
The giant of Africa where talent gushes
Castigated but with ceaseless rushes.

© Darlington


Ask by the foot of Langbodo
In the sheds of eerie bushbaby
Where the mosquitoe twitches
Haphazardly it's legs at the sound of the bembe

Ask of Akara-Ogun, the compound of shells
Nd they will tell you of a thousand powdered
Gourdlets, six hundred amulet , sixty incubi
And the legends of the forest of a thousand daemons

Sit by the entrance of Oyo-ile
Ask of the tales of Olurombi
The young maidens will tell you of "Aponbepore"
Who went and never was never seen

Call the sons of "Ayangalu"
Let them pick the "Iya-ilu"
Let the "Iya-ilu" sing of Moremi Ajasoro
Ile-ife would surely revere at her Savior's call

Call "Alakowe" let him read from his books
the chronicles of "Adigbonranku" the son of "Agbako"
The one we gave a white flowing "Agbada" But
chooses to sweep our joy with the blade of his "Agbada"

He will tell you of how the "Akuko" failed to crow
at the sun's rise: how the rat spoke the language of birds
He will tell of how we had filled our "sokoto" with stones
Waiting for him in the market place but alas the stones
were too heavy For our malnourished hands.



God forces no man
For your are who you want to be
Your desires may melt away as ice
Your dreams may grow gray before your eyes

Don’t look down on yourself
For while you live has a reason
A reason bigger than you may think
Never bring thyself to halt.

If life doesn’t give you, then give life
Don’t be worried about what you don’t have
Many worries are kept for those who are never satisfied
Never be sad or be cowed .

© Felix Joy

True Love

Love is the foundation of all things as the Holy book(Bible) revealed to us.The existence of mankind were based on love by the lover and the fact of loving one another is in our hands.Many have defined what loves are but it unfortunately that we can't find true love among mankind again even parent didn't love their children again,Government who promised us that his love for us will never dead in his hearth but it has varnish away.Love have make some people mad in things that lead to their downfall and its has also make some have victory on thing they pursued.Nobody can't fulfill or attain the zenith of love if he/she didn't know the builder or source of true love(God).we neglect it and embrace vain love.Yes! don't be surprise that I said "vain love" many has involved in that in which they thought they have true love for someone else and when the person find out, he/she will be amaze too that the person that he looking up to has no love for him/her.
The absent of true love in a family,school,nation,church even in anywhere we may think of will surely result in malice, lying, hatred,destruction and the likes. Everyone of us need to pay the price of true love that comes from God not from man because we all need it now,not until we marry for those who're not and those who're married need to start to build on that, not until  we having our own children.
Without true love we are not fulfill anything in life.
Wish us all a peaceful and a lovely week

© F. O. G


Deserted by you,
And marked with scars.

I still visit the scars you left behind
To pluck poems


Men Shade



Men are the same,
They have only different looks.
Men are wolves in human clothing,
They met you with the lot
And left you with a piece.
Men are like a pigeon.
All pigeons are birds
But not all birds are pigeon.
What's meant for you
Will surely stay with you.

Her mother last word......



We're hurting
We're mourning
This won't stop soon
Bleeding without healing
Weeping without stopping
Once a beloved one is taken
The heart remains forever broken

© Olatuja Oloyede



In the quietness of the hour
When the birds of dawn slumbered
In the stillness of the night
When the world was in darkness

Death came again
Unnoticed, unwelcome and unknown
With his ancient axe of cruelty
Ready to vanquish and conquer
Everywhere he goes
He lives a message of sorrow behind
All that accompanies him  never returns
Sometimes a young tender child
Another time a bright blossoming youth

This time, my dear friend is your victim

He was a dreamer boy
He is too needed to be gone

O death! When will you see the evil you've done
The hot tears your injustice has done
The broken hearts of the bereaved will never mend
Even if they get used to this tragedy
They will never forget nor forgive how you shattered them

A brilliant soul is gone
Forever from this cruel world
That may be the last I will say to you
But not the last I will say of you

© Olatuja Oloyede

Love or Madness


For her he made a raiment of gold
But walks the street on fading rags

He built her a mansion of diamond
But pillows his head on ghetto's stench

He gave her an orchard of wine
But hungers around a dirty brook

All his life he slaves for her
But turns his back on others who really cares

I've heard and seen these things
May be it is love
May be it is madness
I cannot even tell

© Olatuja Oloyede

*(if you know, tell me)*

March of Poems

March of Poems
They're plum tree with plum
The source where rivers leap
The moonlight that lights man foots

They're pen guardians,
They're poets,
They mother poems.
Happy world poetry day



She was too
Good for his satyriasis

She was a wild flower that
Matches his wild fantasy.

But he
Faunt her gown only inside curtain.
Maybe, she
Was not too good for his ego.

Hall of Truth

Hall of Truth

Behold the hallway of truth,
Where the undiluted is dished in blindfold
No figure in view
Yet the affected cries victimization

Corridors of the hall
Are laced with tall
And high picture of the approaching ball

Why not check if you can wiggle?
If you won't walk out with a briddle.
Yet no dares not come

The sound of the music from the hall
Blatantly refuses to go low
Defeaning the liars
Singing loud the tune of their mischief
To the disgust of their fans

Atimes i wonder who holds the key to the hall,
And who is charge of the lights in hall.
And who else can it be?
If not the JUDGE OF ALL?
for He is the truth of all
Reigning and raining in hall of truth.

EazyLines, ©2018


In 2015
Some days before the elections
We rocked to the song
Of the anti-corruption crooner
Describing himself as the karma
For all kleptomaniac elites
We nearly turned dumb
Chanting, shouting, wailing
*sai baba, sai baba, the second coming of an anti- corruption Messiah*
The lame walked to witness
The grand swearing in
The blind forced it's glued eye open
Just to see the man
With the zero love for corruption

*Our once porn star
Is now an impotent
Erection has been history for him
He will live to see a damsel behind
Go Scot free*

Three years to his journey so far
We heard about  it everyday
The radiogram clamouring
We refuse to listen to figures that has no impact,
Our cheeks are tired of whistle blowing

*Think a new, Act a new*
Is the anthem
But no woman dares, approach a new menstrual period with an old sanity pad

Then we thought the change is here with us
We danced our life out
We never knew the change is an illusion
It's has been thrown into the Mediterranean sea,
Never shall it be found

*2019*,is here
Banging our wooden doors
Turning our doorknobs
The impotent is here again
on the mission to sire a child
Tell him, he doesn't have the strength
To climb the mountain
Tell him to leave the game for his unborn




Àdùké, I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
How I canoed into the drowsy yawn of your sublime heart
Or how I watched, mute and lifeless
The apprehensive whine of your beaded waist
Or how I gave up my body parts, to burn in hell
So I could have a dew-hoisted thumb full of my blood
As a vermilion, just to adore your forehead.
- yet you never gave it back.
I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
How I bore my grief alone
When at the breaking of dawn, you deserted my unpadded boat
And eloped for home, with the whistling leaves,
Crushed under the sole of Akínsolá's sandals -your heartbeat
Will you ever comprehend how I watched on, in tears 
How day and night unkissed
Waiting for your unfaded voice, to lull me to sleep.
- yet, you never returned.
I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
How silent I was
Like life itself
When you unthinkingly, built a bridge at our heaven's gate
And made me walk four hundred miles to cry a river to ripeness.
Who then can reach us?
Tonight, as the dark breeze file past our sick shadows,
I stared at Morénikéjì, our daughter,
The bruised seed of our careless venture
And also at the window
And watched as raindrops press unmindfully
Against the servile body of the Louvres.
The vermilion of my blood, is yet unfaded on her forehead
As she lay asleep devoid of the worlds worries
On the remains of our matrimonial paper-bed
- dreaming of another kind of creative crime, different from yours.
*©George O. Victor* (2018)
Happy World poetry day!!!


Pride! lust!!! jealousy!!!
Tears! pains!! chains!!!
Evil! darkness!! death!!!
Silence! hell!! heaven!!!
War is coming!

Tell the lion king
That rules the forest jungled in fears
That war is coming!

Tell the giant eagle
The god of other birds
That reigns supreme above the storms
That war is coming!

Brothers sharpen your spears
Mothers prepare your tears
Don't be caught unawares
War is coming!

Soon blood will splatter the hills
Darkness will cover the sea
Silence will sink the world
War is coming!

Get ready to fight
Those who run will die
The beasts in us will haunt us down
Until we’ve paid for all our vanities
War is coming!

© Olatuja Oloyede

These are Perilous Times

For the turning away of the simple shall slay them... But whoso hearkens unto Me shall dwell in safety 
Proverbs 1:33 & 33

These are perilous times, the age of ecclesiastical hypocrisy has long begun. The system at work in this world is hostile to godliness and the sight of godly men compromising at all front is no longer strange. Devil's onslaught against the church is at its peak and while we are busy pursuing the ever receding world, our own souls are abandoned in great spiritual bankruptcy. Quietly each day, we are advancing into eternity unprepared.

The persuasion is now stronger and there is no escape for such men who have forgotten how to stay connected to God. Forget about our fine artistry, men have turned beastly in their thinking and “the best of men is the best of beast suppressed ”

Only those who gather strength on their kneels, oil their lamps each dawn in quiet fellowship with Yahweh, commit the things of God to heart and ready to do the Master's bidding have learnt the true secret of survival.

May God help us to live for Him alone. Amen

© Olatuja Oloyede

Vivi euphoria

"Mum, I don't like it out here
It's freezing cold
The breeze keeps caressing my clit
causing me goose bumps
The deluge comes with iced stones
Breaking my conjuration
Help me find a frith".

"Mum, I don't like here either
The sun is proud
Turning the land to a furnace
The heat boils my blood
And I'm no relation of the three hebrews".

"Mum, what about here
But the moon a wanderer
Tossing around
Like a restless child
throwing the land into total obscuration ".

"Mum, get me a better place
The pub will be better
In the snug
I love the coziness
All what I need is
Vivi euphoria".




HEAVEN!                         He said!
’Am going to a place which has many rooms
which is made of gold,
treasured with luxuries for eternal enjoyment,   
where only celestial body sings Alleluia’’.
He said!   ‘
’Heaven is my goal,       Archangels awaits me; Michael, Gabriel will take me round,      
Not just a tour, but a sight seeing’’.            
He said!             
A new Jerusalem awaits me,
where all garments are made of white gold,          
flawless, stainless, white as snow
all full of Joy,
Heaven is my Goal’’.

© Alaka Olujekun


The smoke that curls on your peach-pulsed eyes
Has a way of unfeathering my postpartum glossary of demented words,
And those from your local tripod
Blowsed with the dewy caress of my knotted nose.
Strange strings harbor our crossed fingers
-and Beethoven, this is not a love poem
These pious stanzas press words against the quiet air.
The repeated hums of pocketless sounds
Makes a lot of cents
I'm the uncovered bloom of prehistory.
George O. Victor
*The Ghostwriter*👻


Dreaded than a nine tailed fox
Born under the old odán tree
Head washed in the ólókun waters
He grew up amidst us
With an Africa sepia head
Caucasian beard
He is a wonder
Adding flesh and weight
He Never went to the best school
But he had the best chance
Tell Awolowo
That he has been betrayed
His intentions has been ward off
By his free education product

.He grew up
In the heart of our home town
Got the white man's job
Dusting his collar at the sight of a stain
Now he is here
With the mantle
But not ready for the battle

we were disappointed
Our palms walked to our face
When he spawled our doom sentence
Saying"Bamúbamú  ní moyó emíkòmòpe ebí pa  ómó eníkankan"
Tell him, he is there by our assent

the time is here
Twisting our door knobs
We refuse to use votes to fill our pots
I will rather sleep with my ancestors
Stinking bodies than to raise my thumb up
For an ingrate

.For the doom ambassador

.(FOOTNOTES: ADÍGRARANKU:  A stubborn person...
ODAN:  a tree..
OLOKUN: The river goddess... AWOLOWO:former premier western region of Nigeria...
IWOSI: disgrace…
BAMUBAMU NI MOYO EMIKOMOPE EBI PA OMO ENIKANKAN: I'm filled to the brim, I don't care about any other person...
YORUBA ROONU: yòrubá,a tribe in the western Nigeria.. Think..)




A pitch to her she claimed i made,
My chest bowed to her and tagged i played,
She cried out for reprisal against that which i in no way made.
At the heard of this i became palled,
My veins and blood crawled,
A blackmail! I got startled,
Got shocked! Subsequently i marvled,
A rape victim but dumb-puzzled,
I alarm the blackmail but accede to take off with no tussled.
I maxim my person's name about to soil in chains,
My procedures the entire in pains,
Conscience the complete disdained,
She laid claims in paths i no way trained.
Who would accept as true my story?
And to whom would i impart my worry?
Clarion's summon i came for,
A blackmail i'm nature conventional for,
A modify of nominate and individuality i yearn for.


A word of change is a word every individual is praying for,not in other side but in good side. Change occurs everyday in human life and we can't stop it from our lives.Changing is taking place in all aspect of our lives,either physically,spiritually or anyway we may think of.Nobody can live without change but the thing that change in us or around us must be know by us whether its a change that will help our lives or destroy our lives .Our dear Nigeria is facing seriously kind of change now which was imputed by some set of people.Anyway, its a change so many of us are yearning for and now here is the change and most of us that supported the change now asking for another change.The truth of the matter is,change comes from no where,we are the change.A life that didn't change him/herself cannot change anywhere he want to occupy,in any field we may think of.When a life that want to change a particular thing is not thoroughly define or have clear mission and vision,there is no way that such person will not flaw or end up in shame. The notion of changing oneself must be vivid to such person before taking a step to change others lives.Whom you look unto now for change will determine your tomorrow change.
Unfortunately, many have lure to bad change,they can't grow(change) the way others did.Its time to have the change of mind and ways because if our minds and ways is not change,we'll remain changeless which implies,no progress(stagna),no vision and things will become gloomy for such soul.
They can still be a change in your life if only you can re-plan it.

Have a abundance blessed week.

© F. O. G



money, the sole driver of the globe
Naturally valueless, we gave it
The silly idiot that renders you a filthy cub
That you're as a foolish fool when you lack it

Oh money! The human enslaver from birth
He starts to shout hey! I bargained I gain
And you deprive them at death
Yet they yell, from my gain today I abstain

The riches at death's fang states his strength
But when the poor visits his demise
How much has he? They ask at length
Fennec fox ear awaiting apprise

Either kills you
Like the soil we step
Or birth you
Like the sky we epp

We made it a he
And placed it not on the throne
To command as we plea
But also on crowns begging our own

Listen! Dirty filthy stinky dough
You are but a slave
Worshiping with no no
Quietly kept in cave

Needed when heaven strife calls
You're a failure
If yours neglect the calls
For heaven strife is the sole cure

But it's a mourning
For they worship but you
Our lord! Our lord! Is the yelling
Kill, rape, shave and any other they do

Just to earn ye
They die to die
All to ye
Many along they die

The riches  the poor
Both dies
The rich the poor
Analogously lies

He's the richest
Yet the poorest
So erase it from your chest
And have a peaceful rest

A million dough
Is a trillion hassle
A thousand dough
Births a million hustle

©Akanbi Taofeek 2018.

Lost in Me

Lost in Me

The chords of our hearts have been played and broken in disbelief
From those whom I trusted were meant to be
A fortress a rock which my head could sleep
For once I thought I found peace
My sadness and anguish do sit by my side
For a sudden hike I heard has weakened me down
I hear the morning bells chiming
I feel the love she once Gave to me
But alas the notes are broken
And the player is gone
The leaves are brown for the sun is lost
In my heart alone does a desert of pain reside

I am alone on this road
And suddenly my hands feel  so cold
On the sea of hope did I set my course
And on the riverbanks of shock did I meet my rack
I hope and despair
The bravest lion even now does cowardly fear
For trust and love now seem like a fairy tale
Where am I headed?
Where am I ?
I hear the calm of the ocean whisper to me
‎"Go on be a king"
‎with my insecurities as tall as the mountains
‎my boundaries are limited and are chained deep

But I'd fear no more for I have in me
A thousand soldiers ready to cross the sea
I am ready to be free like the dancing leaves of the air
My heart would finally be set free if it be
Only this wish I need to sleep
My boundaries at last would scare me not
This I feel like never before
So strong I even think it's love
Could it be that I am free
Could it. Be that it was she
And though love  they say is powerful
To my self would I sing songs of undiluted joy

© Tujahsuccess

Life for Rent


As bland as my mind is,
Let me swing on the hinge of our rented lives
Let me swirl this way and that
Let me be lost in the parameters of our enclaved hives
Let me sashay in the background of your shaded heart
As brine as my thoughts taste,
Let me, if to you I'm only a dark horse
Gallop into the galaxy of a million scars
Let me tread my hoof on the shore-sand of loss
While I dangle my legs through the rain forest of blunt stars
As indecisive as my days are,
Let me rent my life out, a pence a day
And bow unshakably for leave-taking
To the nuns at nightclubs and the one's concerned
For I too, would love to live a rented life unsheathed
As ungrateful as I am,
Let me sprawl in the open sky, in blood
With bruises and scars and wounds
-Let me moan a tribute to failed dreams, failed hopes and a failed life
While dying.

And as limited as my journey is,
Let me write an epitaph on my tombstone
In bold italics, and shed an elegy on the lips of my grave
And it will read: " He's gone with the tidal waves-
-Though ocularly impaired, his LIFE'S FOR RENT".

Yours without blemish
George O. Victor
The Ghostwriter👻

Priceless Damsel

Priceless Damsel

Peony is king of flower,
But you're more
Gorgeous than a red peony.
Gold is king of stone,
But you're more
Precious than a gold mine.

Your legs forever straight.
Your bosoms firmed with seed.
Your backside fresh like a dew
Your thigh is paradise.

Your hairs
Like a cascading waterfall
Your red lips like a panacea.
Your sonorous blazes curtains.

Olabisi, priceless damsel.


My Lord

There could be and there could be not a pathology. There is a cause that sometimes made me to put up a call to you.
When the hatched of the world's fury treatments coloured the day and are there quantum and batches of little pains. I seek to put on the little residue of my coal of life into a smile I hoped to grow.

While I long to see where my seed could yield bigger than it invest I think not much cos I know the field.

Sometimes I share testimonies of overcoming outcomes.

Sometimes I act like wounded pygmies on a great plain of the ocean's land.

Sometimes I feel the heat that scooped up the black  forest on the head of a gentle man.

And I long for the cold that could freeze up a little more of my plenty waters
Don't go away, the man's world had no outta of frame the miller ruled the margin and grunted to mock.

For while I have so much to keep inside the young head, I checked my purse to find not a thing.

I called to get courage. To start again another cycle of smile and another phase of being true .

I'm not laying down the first bright brine.
  The youth primer on getting true salt SHOULD be an adventure but who cares about the boat that would sink and the fish that will feed on the fats.
I'm not saying anything thing specific but to try to tell a little that there is a lost cause and that there is a gained course.

I'm already seeing it and the source of my JOY doesn't lie in the church of the bright smiles that rolled in the eyes of the of the saints of my century but just in CHRIST JESUS my LORD.

© Felix Joy Adewale

I won't

I won't
I won't taxi around the tears you gave me
And the bogus hopes you lend me
I won't hover around the pieces you've made
And the dagger you left in my heart
I won't longer mind the sauce of pain and love
You made me taste
And the silly things I did in the shadows of love
Now we play only on each other's memories
But know this, you are not the one am thinking of tonight

© Drunk_poet


zmile O man
In pain and mizery

The wealz and zcabz
Teach endurance

At the dawn of the gloriouz moment
We weep for joy

Theze tearz zummon
Zmilez to the facez

Of the downtrodden
Of the brow beaten

Of thoze ztill melting
In the malleability furnace

Do not retch, or be bitter
Do not grieve, or zeethe

The tirade iz but a feeble rain
Compared to the flood at the core

Conzole yourzelf that az
Mighty az the yoke may be

It cannot kill, nor can it
Bend even Zlim neckz

Zmile in tribulation
For the blezzingz zoon brim over.


A treasurable treasure

A treasurable treasure

She is sweet
She is kind and graceful
She is the kind of treasure I'll always treasure for life
She is a sister

She is the melody I hear
She is the harbinger of peace and love
Her beautiful hands are golden like the spring trees that sprout up tall for all to see
She gives her all to all who love

She is as fair as the sun
Her smile I needlessly say is a beautiful mirror
Her beauty I've searched for all over
Alas I thus found it in the bossom of our mother

You're more than I can write about
My pen sweats even in your awe
For your amazing self is a delight that men can see
You're a sister whom forever I'll keep

© Tujahsuccess

Life for rent

As bland as my mind is,
Let me swing on the hinge of our rented lives
Let me swirl this way and that
Let me be lost in the parameters of our enclaved hives
Let me sashay in the background of your shaded heart
As brine as my thoughts taste,
Let me, if to you I'm only a dark horse
Gallop into the galaxy of a million scars
Let me tread my hoof on the shore-sand of loss
While I dangle my legs through the rain forest of blunt stars
As indecisive as my days are,
Let me rent my life out, a pence a day
And bow unshakably for leave-taking
To the nuns at nightclubs and the one's concerned
For I too, would love to live a rented life unsheathed
As ungrateful as I am,
Let me sprawl in the open sky, in blood
With bruises and scars and wounds
-Let me moan a tribute to failed dreams, failed hopes and a failed life
While dying.
And as limited as my journey is,
Let me write an epitaph on my tombstone
In bold italics, and shed an elegy on the lips of my grave
And it will read: " He's gone with the tidal waves-
-Though ocularly impaired, his LIFE'S FOR RENT

Yours without blemish
*The Ghostwriter👻*

Motherhood Glory

Motherhood Glory

Days,weeks,months all but passed
And sitting gently was I in her
Happily listening to the world from inside
I was no doubt her greatest joy

For nine months in painful happiness
Fragile but she stood strong like a rock
For nine months in smiles of unbearable pains
She beared my seed of life in her

Lullabies I heard every night
Made my cheeky cheeks smile vigorously inside
I wondered to see the beauty of the outside life
And also to see My mother's golden smile

Finally I arrived through her
Though in pains she couldn't cry
For when I cried out to her she smiled
A bond was formed then that couldn't die

With untouchable love she held me close
Her smiles like a thousand stars lit up
At the smile of my adorable face
This queen that held me I thought was definitely my mother

With care and breasts I lived my life
Always wanting to make her smile
Though I'm grown and live my life
In My mother's smiles  do I delight

Mother! Oh mother, your worth is not priceable
Your presence speaks love into my heart
Your smile rips my heart with joy
Your care and love, your greatest sacrifice

Mothers are gems
Mothers are rare
Mothers are Angels
Oh how much I love my mother

© Tujahsuccess

My mother, my muse


To the one who bore me to be
Even in sweat and pain did you breathe
My mother,my joy,my queen
How can I ever thank thee

Your beautiful breasts did I suck
in life
For there did get my power to be strong
Your flawless voice did I hear
When my cries did erupt and  flood the earth

My guardian my rock
You shield me from all troubles at the door
You cover Me like a boat in a storm
Your love melts me and rushes like a water fall

My love, my muse
Your praise will I sing to when am due
For your worth is not comparable
To the most precious gold that  man can own


Life , how i see it

Life ..How I see it

I crave freedom
But I wish life wasn't so small
I crave more love
Bur I wish love wasn't so poor
I crave peace of mind
But even humans wouldn't try

I'd wish for an Eden
Where apples were more unless of a free gift
Where humanity would think and. Not miss it
Where my brothers would not behave like monkeys
Where ladies would be so beautifully be
Free from the inquisitivness of satisfaction
Where all would be happy living in for free
Where no marching boots would make us shiver and pee

I'd wish our sanity would be restored as a gift
Because the things I see are more unless like mediocrity
How can we even open our mouths to sing
Of our works in which our dirty hands of filth are in
We are evil
We are hiders from our own insecurities
We run from the shadow soldiers of the dark
We know our freedom is like an emptied tin of expired milk

I crave for justice
Amist the war and problems we fight
Still no Just ease
From our brothers mouth comes the lies of centuries
I crave the truth
But all it's done is to make me look a fool
For the ears of the good have turned away to groom
The romancing sound of enjoyments of doom

But who would hear my screams
Who would awaken from the sleep of deceit
Who would pour out his heart to the street
Who would love to be who he is?

© Tujahsuccess

Her First Day as a Ghost (Akudaaya)


As the day grew brighter beyond the horizon
The hut boiled with shrieks from broken men
Papa sat on a low stool
Head bowed in deep sorrow
Mama sat on the ground crying

She stood in the centre
Why are they calling her name in whispers?
“Anjorin do not leave us

She thought this weird and stupid
How can she be gone
When she stood right in front of them
How can they all be blinded with tears
Pretending not to see her

She touched mama
Wanting to say cry no more
But her hands floated through her
With ease of something swinging in the wind
She drew back with her brow furrowed
A shock ran through her
Then she saw her body laid on a mat
Motionless and lifeless
Is she dead?

A strong wind flooded the room
Pulling her out through the walls and then the roof
She wanted to hold on in that room a while
But the force acting upon her is greater
Helplessly she drifted towards the spirit realm
What she didn't know yet is that
She's too young to enter through the gates of the dead
So she will lurk the woods and wander the shores at noons
Until the time is right for her to truly die

She had believed ghosts to be a myth and nothing more
But now she has not only seen it
She had become one forever

© Olatuja Oloyede

Akudaya is a spirit that roams the world because they died a cruel and untimely death according to the Yorubas. This poem draws on that inspiration

Human family

If there's one thing intrinsic about humans,
We are fools to be wise,
And wise to be fools.
Be it the egoist,
Altruist, utilitarianist, or atheist,
We claim the truth behind our relativist realist.
I've sailed upon the caribbean seas,
Halt in every lands and islands,
Observed the wonders of the seven heavens,
Learned from the world and beneath the soils,
Yet i see no one common man in humans.
I've encountered ten thousand folks,
Five thousand women,
Mary J and Mary blige,
But not yet encountered any two that are truly the same.
Identical twins are different,
Though their characteristics jibe,
Even the fraternals,
Love and hate never cease.
With the obvious differences,
I met another me,
Another me with no difference but names,
Scared at the sight at first,
But then i know we are more alike,
Than we are unlike in human family.


This project had bounced around for a while, incomplete and needed lots of help. My vision was captured and communicated precisely. Thank you for another great job

Kelv Jr

United States

This is not the first time I am working with him, and as always, on time delivery of what is expected. He is a very important asset to our team. Thank you.



Amazing. Very good results always. He has been working with us for more than 2 years now and his quality and class remains uncompromised. Thank you for consistently growing with us

Steve Urrego


Olatuja Oloyede
Akure Ondo State, Nigeria


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