Hello,This is me!

Olatuja Oloyede

Creative Writer Professional Web Designer Content Editor

About me


I'mOlatuja Oloyede

A Writer and a Tech Enthusiast

As a creative content writer, I have written over 400 poems, published books for many international organizations mostly in the United States, United Kingdom and Columbia. You will find many of my personal works on creativearena.org.ng. I also design all kinds of websites at pocket friendly prices. My area of expertise includes, but not limited to business or company websites, blogs, e-commerce, portfolios, community websites, multi-level marketing platforms, and e-learning platforms. I have my client-base both within and outside the continent of Africa. I also provide hosting services, cheap domain registration and almost free web maintenance for web owners and designers. I love astronomy with a special interest in astrobiology. I am curious to know if life exists beyond our planet and what form it might be. I love swimming, cycling, playing open-world games and simulation games. I sing, play piano, flutes, drums and trumpet, each with different degree of mastery. My conviction of God and divinity is not stereotypical and therefore not subjective to questionable theocracies of dogmatic minds. Sometimes, I wish I was born a billion years from now. Maybe then, teleportation, telepathy, time travel and telekinetic energy will not be mere fantasies of pseudoscience but a normalized technology of the age. But will humans be around for that long? I am curious the sun might swell in fury as a giant star and raze the earth to vapor or contracts with dull flames into a dwarf star and the earth will sink in stoning ice forever. Unfortunately, we will be gone with our curiosities except only if the soul of man is truly indestructible. I am frail, fallible, and human. I prioritize love, and humanity. I wish we let animals thrive in their habitats without killing them (especially the harmless ones) for food. I am Olatuja Oloyede and below are links to my other websites.


Web Design

2012-till date

With several years into web design and development, I have landed some impressive gigs and delivered amazing projects to organizations within and outside the United States. My web design firm started as HOT in 2012 later, TechlinkNig in 2017 and now Hubnig since 2019. These changes are necessitated by the constantly growing range of services rendered. Hubnig.com currently offers services in different categories, including web design, android applications, domain registration and hosting services, e-learning, multivendor services etc. Kindly check www.hubnig,com for details.

Creative Content Creator

2018-till date

I started my ghostwriting career officially in December 2018 and I have been able to work with individuals, groups and organisations from different countries of the world. Writing is my passion. I have written over 300 poems, short stories, faction and fictions.

Connection Avenue


I worked in the academic department

Creative Arena


Web Engineer


Web Design

I design all kinds of websites. I can help you design your blogs, portfolio websites, landing page, e-commerce websites, school websites, religion or group websites, among others.


This is my data and airtime automated vending platform. Our products are all offered at discount company price. You can get your airtime, data, cable tv subscriptions, exam cards, electricity bills, etc, on the website.

Creative Arena

This is my creative freelancing firm. We ghostwrite, copywrite, rewrite, or enhance your ideas and intentions in a uniquely captivating way. We have clients within and outside the continent. In case you need a writer for your projects or ideas, you can contact me for more details.


This platform offers a wide range of online services and opportunities. You can register for free to sell your products online, manage your store and reach global audience. You can choose to resell existing products at your own price and make profits. You can learn to become a web designer yourself. Visit hubnig.com to learn more.


This is like multiplesub.com. I would encourage you to use the first website. But this is an alternative platform for all our airtime and data vendors.


Oloyede Templates is a platform that offers over 2000 predesigned templates and installations for free to web designers. Check details of this at the above website.


Web Designed


Apps built


Creative Jobs Taken




Item Name Product Name Goes here!
Price N1000
Description Your product description here!
Available Stock Stock count here!
Misc Place extra thumbs/images of product here




Tribute to My New Name

Awero by Olatuja Oloyede

Awero by Olatuja Oloyede

We will meet again




I think I heard the sound of a halting fleet
I think the breeze has blown around my wrinkled brow
The aura of my child
Go look above the hanging hills
Search the valleys and comb the wood
Is there any glance of my child coming?

Aha... There he comes
When the hawk cried before the dawn
And the swallows whistled long into dusk
I knew my child will come

Its been a year since you left
I've prayed daily that life bring you back in peace
See my walls have risen
The harvest bumper
And my barns are full

I have kept a moon for you
Welcome home!

I heard you cross the Niger
To the banks of Benue
I heard you dared the storms
And brave the flames
You basked in the heat of Makurdi’s sun
And danced in the rain of Wurukum
The kembes of Wannune can't stop you
You've even learnt how to survive the daggers of herdsmen
There is nothing that can stop you now
Welcome home my child

Come and sit before this hearth
Where your aching feet is warm
Share with me the kola nut of life
It will make you understand wisdom in this world

Some things will never change
Like the strips on the zebra skin

Some tears will never dry
Like those rivers running into the sea

Some people never dies
Like the golden names on the history slates

Some prayers are never answered
Like those of the royal roses grassing the desert plans

Life has limit within its stretches
It won't always tilt the good way

Love life's unfolding with thanks
And accept people for who they are

The past is gone
Tomorrow is always unknown
So live now
Live today

Life may turn its cruel sides
Fence of confidence sometimes fall 
Empires crash when dreams seems twisted

Those times you want to scream
You want to spit out all your sadness
Weeping is allowed at times
After all, tears is that part of us
That steadies the sail of our souls in the storm

Yet tears don't heal every wound
They only glitter the shores of pains

Life is cruel to some and fair to none
It seldom gives reasons to smile

When the going gets tough
And it seems hardest to smile
Always remember this

Storms by nature don't last
So do every pain and worry
Hold your peace my child
That darkness too will pass

You don't know where this life will take you
Maybe far from this rotten mat
To those ivory lands behind mighty mountains
Beyond the vast and boarderless sea
Wherever you are
However far you may go from here
Never forget the wisdom of your root

Those who run blindly after the world
Run quickly out of the world
Don't drink from the cup of ambition to the dreg
Don't haunt too much for power and beauty
There is neither peace nor end to that road

Some will underestimate you
Avoid them
Some will exaggerate you
Ignore them
If the blood be red and the hands be clean
There will be no mountains on your path
That will be too high to climb

Rise my child
From the feet of my fathers
Travel into your destiny
Chose your fate and captain your soul
With love in your heart
Wisdom in your head
And honesty on your hands

You may wonder where this life's wandering is taking you
But always remember
Good things will come to you too
Never forget your humble origin
The child of who you are

© Olatuja Oloyede


You're bright like a
Yellow sun that gazes day.

You're kind like like a
Gorgeous rainbow that paints sky.

You're mild like a
Morning dew on a rose petal.

You're bright, kind and mild
Until the day you grew a new wing.



I am going home.

Filled with ecstasy at first,
It's called love at first sight
But like a smoke it faded away
The innate love gradually waxing cold.

Tired of the ever lifeless haven
Fed up with the unending light-less times
Brown is the water and black is the heart.

Struggling to make head way but
The head is continually beaten by
The only source of illumination.

I'm going home!
Away from extorts of the knights
And exploitation by the institutions in broad day lite.

Not that home is blatantly a Heaven,
The home is not really a better place
But, it's still a father compared to the son of this place!

©Gbolahan, Justice ABIOLA


He's the modest of all,I've meet
Too handsome that I'd to quit my ex
So close that I think of no one else
He shines and glows brighter than the sun
His face stuns,that I'd no word left to say
What can I offer?
T-shirts are good, watches are nice,
Nothing can be so sweet like a kiss from him
He's an epitome of which words can't describe
When I'm restless,he gives me a dose more soothing than the drugs a doctor can  prescribe
When am driving,I need no lamp
Cos his words are my light in darkness
When am so full of myself and unfaithful to him,
He never let go,but he's loyal and faithful
My heart pants for him,cos he's the life running through my veins
He is all I desire cos he is not a lair
Indeed he's the true definition of love......

© Abimbola D-xpressionz


Terror is the horror of the day,
People languishing in pain
Beggars have gone on strike
The road is now empty

We clamour for repair
They gave in return despair
Should we have stuck to transformation?
Or is this the change we need?
I shake my head...

Still we say stealing isn't corruption
We've gone from pan to fire
Let's go back to tillage, they say
But where's the empowerment
I shake my head...

Graduates, ko ko ko, they go with shining shoes,
On the streets, no job
Fathers can't perform,
Mothers can't reform
Lack and want is the order of the day
I shake my head...

I shake my head, for the unborn generation,
For the Fatherless,
For the hopeless,
For the destitute,
For the Poor,
For the weak

We wrestle not against flesh and blood
We need an angel, humans can't do it
Because my head will fall from my neck
I'm tried of shaking my head

©Gbolahan Justice Abiola


The lies you tell
Can cast a spell.

The spell it cast
Can blind the eyes.

The eyes it blind
Can give love.

The love it gives
Can cause a mess.

The mess it cause
Can break a trust.

The trust it breaks
Can break a bond.

The bond it breaks
Can break a heart.

The heart it breaks
Can bleed to death.

      ©Nathaniel Stella.



A million cry

Slowly as the seconds count before our very own breath, its more than three month now with no single achievement. Students have cease to be one. Everyone is displaying insanity on the street. A saying goes thus; *"it is insane to be sane in an insane environment"*.

Over two  scores, the nation still lives in late 19century tactics by refusing  to pay workers, telling tales to the people how they'd build castle in the air ones s/he emerges but *all is done in 360 degree*. Over ten thousand students are being deprieved of their right and all is based on self interest which some will say they are not graced from Jah. *"When will we stop telling lies against Jah, and face reality?"*

A million cry yearly over bad governance of the ggovernment that has cease to meet the people's need and he feels it just to take the jeopardising step he took. The millions that cry are the masses that voted the aspirant into power. *"How long shall we stop being the same puppet of the unjust?"*

Daily as the Sun grows old, and still remains single and her beauty never fades away, we shall always be dupe, deprived, robbed, assassinated and brutalized if we turn deaf ears to the ongoing. The people needs to change not for good but from the old ways that has dragged them to the mud. Then, goodness from new ways will be their acolyte but a friend always say *"old habits are hard to break!"*

Finally, as for the future aspirants reading this, nature is spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, and psychological incline to be duped. Don't play with the unborn generation's future all in the name of pay back, power, name. *Karma is a prostitute that sleeps with everyone.*

*Let s/he that has a brain do the needful.*

© Taiwo Daniel

Miseries: Seen and unseen

With heads hung high in the skies
With lies and deceit openly crawling into our lives
Helplessly were we forced to fold our hands
By circumstances unseen which tied our eyes

Our labours thrown on another soil
Our harvests brought again not joy unto us
Our lives gradually have turned empty and void
Our cries no longer matter since we all are poor

Hearts ripped with undue cause
For still a mystery remains if we were cursed
For our identity we'd searched for, for long
On a fruitless journey to live as one

Our brothers turned loathers
Insane hypocrites who fed off our streets and ate our peace
Our brothers turned crueslome  animals
Who feed on friends and foe in peace

The land is hungry for change
The air sweeps and desperately wants to be clean
Our hearts, searching for that peace
Our minds, begging for purity

My part is small,for the world is big
To generations unseen,fight against prejudice
Our right,our freedom
Shall we get only once we're free

© Tujahsuccess


Our Bodies gyrated to the loud music
We wiggled, rocked, twisted and swayed

Like lab rats, we ingested loads of chemicals
Science students experimenting different liquids, our body the laboratory

Burning sticks, incense chasing away common sense
Each person a player, you can not beat the chimney team

Reliving the Noah's ark experience, we went in, in twos
To escape the impending flood of libido, different genders, coitus thereafter

In the morning, we wake with body full of regret and hang over
Reflecting, pondering, wishing we acted differently if things started allover.


All We Ask Of You

All we ask of you
is that you kill not our dreams
so that when we eat
the mouldy bread of affliction today
we can imagine we're having
the honey crusted crumbs of tomorrow

All we ask of you
is our right to dignity
We can only bite our nails and stare
at your fine velvet capes
will you also have
our lice ridden rags?

All we ask of you
Is that you do not sacrifice our future
on the alter of ambition
Do not put out our lights
So all our days of darkness
will be worth it in the end

All we ask of you
is our lives
in exchange for yours
That's all we're asking
is it too much to ask?

©Josh Ébuka
Dedicated to:



Seating on a lonely sit
All by myself
Thinking of how it all began

The memories we had,
The love we shared,
The laughter,
The advice,
The scolding,
The fight

But nature has choose to play hard on me
Nature what wrong have I done to you?
Why do you choose to take away my treasures?

My source of inspiration and laughter
But who are my to question the creator?

The end of time can't be turned,
but the future lies all positives"

Prior to lion is a cub
Every great tree was once a seed.
And every king was once a suckling baby.

It doesn't matter what you are today,
what matters is what you will be tomorrow.
Keep investing in yourself and keep hope alive!

Nothing should stop you from attainting that height
Not even death
Keep believing in yourself
And your tomorrow

#D- Xpressionz*
© Abimbola Noble


Love to the hills

The world so heavy by Carried by a pin
Defines my love for you my darling queen
My heart skips a beat at the sound of your feet
Your charm keeps my heart ever resounding

The light In my deepest valley
Though blind but still my eyes dare to see
This beauty that radiates the earth and
Like a bee has stung my heart and sunk so deep

She's the moon in my ever lit shining sky
The star that shines so bright with an angelic smile
You're more fairer than the morning sun
You're the  golden fire that burns my silvered heart

You're the angel that keeps my calm
You're the river bank I keep my yatcht
You're the flower who's scent lifts my heart into the air
You're the rarest beauty life has ever seen

My damsel of delight
My golden loving pride
My Ever beautiful Olori
Having you simply completed my masterpiece



When I was 7, my classmate told me
"Boys aren't suppose to play with girls"
I never really asked why
I mean why should I
She was the oldest of all the girls
(the ones in my class I guess)

When I was 8, I had my first kiss
No it wasn't a him
Damn right you got it
I kissed a miss
I'm not sure you can call that sin
I mean how was I suppose to know it wasn't meant to be
By 08.5, our relationship grew stronger

When I was 9, I had my first sex.
It was weird at first
Maybe cause it was lesbian sex
We did it again when her mom was away..
We tried 69
Trust me, it was exciting

When I was 10, I had my first heartbreak
She fell in love with a boy
He lived just down the street
No warning no signs
She left without a word
No worries cause soon enough
I met another girl that I could love



You allured me like virgin Mary,
And I adorned you
Like Joseph the carpenter.

Your rosaries are
More than Hushpupp Gucci.

But yesterday
I saw you at Gomorrah
With henchmen of Apocalypse.

Oh! Delilah,
Tear the mask, I'm Samson.


In the Midst of the Broth

*In The Midst of The Broth*

Many dip their hands deep into the potion,
Some bury their heads deep to find the solution,
But all standsup for nothing but re-election,
And few notably for their first election.

Sad to face eviction,
Many give up to a lot of seduction,
But whether the broth is cold or in commotion,
There can't be a real seclusion,
For those who truly cares to make the difference in their generation.

There obviously is a dislocation,
And the groin hurts to the junction,
Causing more pain than the system canst properly function,
But whether it's up for destruction,
Or they're making up so much decoration,
Their messiah is here not to offer a salvation.

A million-naira question,
Yet no one would bell the cat and save the poison from going inside that potion.
For the humankind is the only virus cursed with the horrifying knowledge of its hots fragile mortality -
And if we all knew this-
I bet, there won't be a division!



Of all things I know so tempting
Love is the greatest
A treasure so confused
A gift so misleading
A haven pregnant with hell
It beckons and burns
Yet we call it blessing

Of all feelings so unknown
Love is the darkest
It fills the soul with excitement this moment
It's gone like a free bird the next
With fountains of bitter tears behind
Yet we fancy it sweet

Is love not that feeling only a god can feel
Those who drink this liquor from the cup of angels
Are usually drunk, then mad and finally lost
This is that whirlwind of experience
That changes the life of the youth
And the course of humanity forever

It's a wavering truth
It's the subtle lie
It is everything you think
It is nothing to me

© Olatuja Oloyede


Tears of blood fall from her broken heart
When ever she remembered how you ripped her heart apart

When you held her, you said forever
Now that you're gone, she knows it meant never

Saying you loved her with that look in your eye
Was a cold-hearted lie

One thing about you she will miss
Is your tender kiss

She should have cried a long time ago
But she can't just let go

Maybe with her love is blind
She had only you on her mind

What you did to her is deeper than the wound of a knife
Yet I believe wounds heal and she'll go on with life.

✍🏽 ©KennyDaniel

Noting Nothing

I can hear the beckoning calls of the river waves....
I'm coming to embrace your silence.... Tell your emissaries not to herald my presence with rumblings....I am me.... My grudge is against the naked moon.... Nothing.... Noting..NOTHING...

Tell Ejide


Do you remember at all
Our beautiful inception
At the dream sea
As the crab drums yummy
And the fishes twerk to the tune
As we both flaunt stanzas

Does it even disrupts your thought
Adoring memories in romeo's garden
And the romantic lullabies
From beyond juliet's tree
Our arrival is the birds valedictory
As the birds escape at our departure

If my heart was fraction
You earn 2/3 and stole 1/3
I really wanna let go
But you're naturally selfish
Like the fish you ate
And it's bone wasn't forgiven nor left

If my thought was a sea
You were at the ocean before dawn
Till others return empty handed
You dominate my thoughts
All over, all the time

That my heart
is the vision in her balls
And the whitish as snow surrounding
Was my soul
Will I stretch to receive
I would be cruel to do so

Never to return
Her smile is all I itch
Through her window I peeped
She slept just as a baby
She had no fear
No coup d'etat

Enough of the sleepless night
With a balloon face
By the moon I'm calmed
already I'm satisfied
To this no more
I plead

It wasn't easy for you
I knew
Either, it's hard to let go
Yet I wanna see you smiling
As you can't watch me dying
But that's the only way I know

It's as the stabbed
To watch you go
Yes it's crazy
To watch from behind
But what does the chained dog does
But salivate

©Akanbi Taofeek 2018.

Sex Doll

He took her into his home
A nice stranger she thought
Showed her love and care
He made her feel safe
And suddenly she became plastic
All that love and care disappeared into thin air like magic
A toy meant to satisfy all lustful urges
Turned out she had been cornered by the snake in the bushes
This is her karma
This is her fate
This is the choice she made


I've never been raped before

I've never actually been raped before
I've only imagined it
I visited my friends yesterday
And one by one they rode my roller coaster
Till they too dizzy to go any further
'I'm sorry' I heard one of them say
'It's okay, I shouldn't have come here anyway'
I picked up the pieces of me left to keep
And into the night I leaped
I composed a speech to give
But as soon I got home it been delete
I moved in with my friend this year
His place of rest he shared
My flesh; the only price to give
'Don't touch me please'
My mind, it screamed
My mouth too mute to speak
Night after night, I died
Even in death
He kissed my lips
Too weak to fight
I played the part



*Paga!*  *Scarredpoet*

Yokolu Yokolu, Ko wa tan bi
Iyawo gbe Oke sanle, Oko yoke
Remember the old wives tale!
Sung on the threshold of Baa Amope

Akanbi bought a hawk to head his chick
Tijani paid a blind to lead him home
Alakope, replaced his rope with onidiru's thread
If you see them selling Opolo in Ejigbo's market, Tell me!

The thief came knocking at your father's door
offering to help repair the damaged doors
you let him in like a newly married bride
Only to accuse your household of theft the next morning

You gathered your thumbs at ballot markets
Thumbing the self acclaimed sons of Awolowo
Direct descendant of Oduduwa, simply because of
their squirrel's beards and shining lenses, now you cry Paga!

Tijotayo, we danced to welcome Iyawo tuntun
We gifted her a pastle for her mortar, instead of
Pounding yams, she took our offspring to the mortar
fastened her wrapper, shreading our sons and daughters
With the head of her pestle.. *Paga!*


Alakope-Palmwine tapper
Onidiru - Hairstylist
paga -A shout of regret

To The Sleeping Beauty

With gentle meekness
Your hands curve at hedges like the roasted chicken
Meeting at the centre _to hold again_

Twirling into an encasing to encase your face
And giving balance against world's worry
With gentle slopes your chest heaves
Releasing the breathe that stabilizes your life.

Your legs straighten with focus and purpose
Meeting at a point to engage matters
Your body slopes
With a motion quite fluid telling all is well.

Your straight African hair do
Goes in straight curvy lines
Right from the nape of your head
To the hollow of your neck.

Many overlook quite easily
But in that innocence I see strength
To the serene atmosphere you give
Even in a world troubled by Chaos.

Many things rumbles in my mind
But a look at your face caresses my soul
Once again I turn to behold,
The sleeping beauty just before me.

©Femi Xplosionz

Like Fog

Who sings of peace
In the season of war,
Such fellow believes,
If man don't end war,
War will end man
Like fog.
©Taiwo Daniel

Marriage by Voice of AdeBob

The young man puts one of his knees on the ground.
He puts his hand inside his pocket and brings out a small black box.
With smiles, he opens the small box and brings out a round metallic object. Yes, you are right...it is a ring!
The young lady puts one of her hands on her chest and opens her mouth in amazement.
The next question is said..."Will you marry me?"
Indeed, marriage has for long been one of the most important things in a man's life.
Well, not only a man's; but also in a woman's life.
As one increases in age, the reality of life sets in.
One looks at the mirror everyday and wonders how time has flown.
The small boy of yesteryears who would roll tyres in the neighbourhood has now grown up to become a man with moustaches.
That little girl who would walk the streets in pants has become a fully developed lady.
What step is next then, if not marriage?
One cannot but agree that the necessity of marriage in one's life cannot be overemphasized.
The dreams of having the "bone of my bone" and the "flesh of my flesh" are quite fascinating.
After all, the Pidgin folks would say, "Body no be firewood".
Humans are truly not firewood.
They have feelings that are begging to be satisfied.
And what better way to satisfy them, if not via marriage with one's preferred better half?
But, as much as one wants to quickly complete the search for a bearer of "the ring", there are questions that must be answered.
Am I ready for marriage?
Am I fit enough to shoulder my responsibility, not to speak of that of my partner?
Can I sacrifice some of the pleasures of bachelorhood when I eventually become a wedder?
These and many similar questions have been unfortunately ignored by some young and 'hungry' youths.
All they search for is a partner.
They don't care about the circumstances surrounding a marital life.
They prefer to jump inside an ocean before thinking of how to survive in it.
Before they leap, they don't bother to look.
No wonder many people continually have failed marriages.
Before the marriage, they would think everything is perfect in all marital lives.
So, when they start experiencing the unavoidable cons of marriage, they always get shell shocked.
Because, they always fail to prepare for the liable problems of marriage.
Don't just pursue your aim. Make a plan!
Planning before marriage is not only about getting a good-looking, well-mannered and loving life companion.
It is connected to you...Yes, I mean you!
You should first get matured for marriage.
Well, maturity isn't about how old you are.
After all, age is not a criterion for maturity and more so, there is no fixed age for marriage.
Maturity in this sense is all about how all-round eligibly fit you are.
Whether you want to agree or not, a sustainable level of finance is an important life support of any marital life.
As I'll always say, love may be the vehicle you want embark the marital journey with.
But, the vehicle will always need something to power it...and that is finance; finance that is sufficient enough to sustain your life and that of your partner.
Are you that financially stable yet?
Isn't it hilarious that someone who can't boast of a salary of five figures is searching for a wife?
What will he feed her?
Stone and water?
Dear friend, you may not need to be stunningly rich before you get marriage. But, have a considerably good level of finance independence and capability.
There is no gainsaying that a good attitude (to all conditions) is also needed in marriage.
How well can you endure unfavourable situations?
If things go sour in your marriage, will you be able to stand firm?
When decisions are to be made in the family, will you be humble enough to consider the opinions of your spouse?
Or will your egoistic character prevent you from agreeing with your spouse's thoughts?
As I've always stated, it is very important that you become the right person before you decide to pursue the right partner.
If you still have a personality that is wrong, marrying someone with a good personality won't conceal your bad character. Don't be deceived!
A thief before marriage will continue to steal even after marriage.
A fornicator will still commit adultery after marriage.
Marriage won't take away some bad habits.
No matter how much you try to hide a smoke, it always finds its way out.
Likewise, no matter how much you try to cover up your character, it will slowly but surely manifest.
So, work on yourself first!
If you want a partner who is humble, then avoid being prideful.
If you want a partner who cares, then start caring for others.
If a partner who is faithful is your choice, then learn how to be faithful.
It may be important to eventually become one with the right person. But, it is more important to first make oneself the right person.
Don't get married because your friend has gotten married.
Marriage is not a competition.
If you rush into it, you will rush out of it,
Be patient.
Use the best of your time to become the right person.
Make yourself the kind of person you will want to marry.
Before asking "will you marry me?", look at yourself in the mirror and ask: "CAN I MARRY ME?"
Well, The Voice has spoken!



In liturgies,
He never missed the front pew
Paid rapt attention to every syllablic sound
he believed that was his sword
He was a combatant of christ

He kneeled at the slightest order
Pressed his lips hard to the cross
The wafer,was his daily bread
He never sat with the one that smokes
He thought , the commandments he broke
"He was a sinner", he said

He never gave to Cesar's
What's Cesar's
He never respected the temporal principles
Said "I'm of heaven".

It's time,he heard the clarion call
Amidst stream of tears
He was thrown into obscurity
He opened his eyes lids
At the gate of empyrean,he found himself
Here I am",he shouted
With confidence he banged on heaven's gate
But the gate keeper didn't relate
What's wrong?
Have they embarked on strike actions?
Is he deaf?

He asked the chauffeur behind the wheel
Am I not worthy of a compartment here?
But he doffed his crown
Saying, "We don't give rooms to dogmatist"

He sorted to see  empyrean authorities
To make his ordeals known
But he had no luxury of time
In the pit of fire
He burned to embers.




The rose we cuddled
Has withered in your palm.

You no longer flaut the rose,
But the
Gaze in your eyes tells the exodus.

You never tell we're at crossroad
But your Samaritan thigh(s)
Was already my stranger.

You didn't run away
You ambled away
April, 2018

She Whale

He prepared the pan for fish,
But his
Hook eventually caught whale.

April, 2018

Turn around

Prosperity is not a tree grow over night

Nor leaders are made through over sight

Poverty is not a curse of bad luck

So it cannot be solved by good luck

The odds we suffer are not far from the words we ulter

Destiny laid at alter of destruction out of ignorance

Education was to be our light but we've embraced darkness

Productivity  has been bowed due to lack of creativity

Slothfulness has become a regular activity

Yet we pride in our own negativity

We  strife to be like them forgetting our nativity

Christ has given us his nature calling us to make a turn

We've been gone for so long
But he was ever standing strong
Knocking in patience at our doors
Waiting that we might open up

Leave those worries,forget the agonies
Cast them upon him,for he cares for you

Turn around and be blessed of him

© Abimbola Noble



Stroking her nape with just a finger,
Peaceful gesture, with painful picture.
In a split second she goes from flawless child,
Into,a clueless wild.
Her heart beats no more to the sound of melody, that conformed her spirit to glide on the waves of the sea.
As the waters will drown her soul in a convoy of love drawn from the depth of her lungs.
Harder and harder he thrust into her, with a force not yet known to nature...Slowly peeling her strength away.

Ignorantly, hatred becomes her friend and love, her foe. The world of candy and pony, told to you by that hag of a mother, cradling your head with so much lies than life, was only a narrow escape of her memories.
To erase the tippidy tappidy lane, you raced into being. Eager you were, to follow in the hollow an abyss of sensation.

I arouse in your tingling tiny little heart, my dear child.
Rest now for the night shall come again, where I shall ride again, just as the horses trodden on Spartan battlefields.
Live in denial, because this Nile has no end. It's a dark alley where you belong.
              © .....emydiana

If Not Here, Where?

Hard is life when you feel out of place.

You slide into the spaces but there are gaps along the edges.

The light of doubt and insecurity shines through, If not here, then where?  
Rather submit your soul to boredom in your   abode than visit ' fun house, feeling out of place.
© Yale Prospero




Like you always do in previous moons
You again showed the magics of your wits
Uninvited your slithered through with a storm
Perched on my naked hide triumphantly

I screamed my lungs out for the world to hear
But the thunderous thumbing of your breathe
Made a joke of my pleas ,my coverings removed
You feasted delightfully on every part of me

My knees wobbled, my bones cracked
At the very touch of your invisible fingers
I hear your orgasm again, my ME floated
On your juices, Oh rain! Come again no another day



The costly price he did pay
To make straight the crooked way
His mission is laid bare by the cross
The wood that bore the weight of man's loss

For our sake his beauty was marred
To make humanity's face before God starred
High was He in the glory of the Father
But this He gave up to become our brother

That which Adam and Eve covered in the garden
The saviour laid bare before all men
Imagine Jesus naked before the world
Such is the humility and love of God's Word

O Lord help us appreciate shame
Give us the lowliness with which you came
Strip us of that pride so worldly
And teach us your life so holy

Look with mercy on your cosmos
The world which man has marred with chaos
Bring man to that purposeful order
Draw us closer to you our Father



_With your sticks_
_You cook the beat of_ _rationality_
_Your omele,a preacher_
_It's preaches sanity into_ _an insane world_
_Obviously you are_ _heavenly endowed_

_Tell sango,to come see_
_The sticks which heat_ _Kindle his flames_
_The beats that lure him_
_into dancing_

_Mysterious drummer_
_Even the deaf sway to_ _your rhythm_
_The lane raise hands_
_To stop the quarrel_ _between_
_Your sticks_

_You drummer of life_
_Play your beat_
_So I can tap the foot of_ _my conscience_
_Hit your drums_
_For the dry bones to rise_

_sticks of rationality_
_Beats of sanity_

_Are what Eledumare_
_Has endowed you with_
_My village drummer boy_





  There was silence and gross darkness upon the face of the earth, the non luminous celestial bodies (moon and stars)wept sorely, the chief luminous body (sun) wrapped himself in a dark apparel,poured ashes all over his face and wailed bitterly for his king while the heavens wore sack cloth. 

  Silence!!!, This all began the very moment His eyelids flopped after the gnawing pain He had battled with a few hours ago. I heard that the curtains rented  destroying all its veil,  the earth couldn't bear seeing a flawless and faultless King cursed and hanged for her sake, so she wailed and cried herself to sleep. He was buried and sealed 

  I heard a loud cry as it was the voice of Death crying in defeat, his victory has been conquered and his sting is now a pleasure. He dared the Saviour and was disgraced OPENLY. I laughed because he had lost woefully and will never get any respect from me anymore and the world will see and know that he's been conquered.

 The Lord took an handkerchief with blood stain all over and wiped the imprints of Death from the walls and board of humanity destroyed all It's  grip at a shout "Lift up your heads, O you gates; yes, lift them up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is [He then] this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory." 

All this happened while the earth slept... 

©Agbomekhe Oshioriamen. Gifted hands

MOON, STAR, SUN (Solar Eclipse)

Moon and Sun were childhood sweethearts. Moon was a crown Prince of Night Empire, while Sun was a princess of Day Kingdom.

Star was a fairy maiden from a noble family in Night Kingdom. Marriage was arranged between Moon and Star by their parents. Star was very fertile and births many children. And afterwards, Sun became Moon concubine

As time flipped, the crown prince became Emperor of Night and thus, Sun left the crown Prince to become Duchess of Day kingdom.

Because they couldn't forget their past romance, they meet occasionally to make love. When Moon lusts on Sun thighs, their blanket covers earth and causes solar eclipse.




Scarred not scared
Fetched after the genealogy
Of they that dances to the muse's pipe
After the order of those who thrives
In the coven of unseen transcendence

Their early dews drizzle with wisdom
their sun shines in glorious stanzas
I dance in the glory of my lines
I bask in the splendor of my art
The god's hath clothed me with words

Orisa Oke, let my ink rain in pleasant places
Eledua, let not my dancing pen, meet with Agbako
and if it does, sway away the evil eye from me
let me slither through like a snake will, on an anthill
A never ending well of muse, for all seasons that I may thrive

©Amudipe Opeyemi Marcus

The poor street boy

All eyes are on him,
Many say he's unfortunate,
Some say he's unlucky
His parents should not have born him.

His environment and critics do not affect his countenance,
He never show his sadness
He smiles to everyone even with his rough face
What manner of heart he's got.

He never shows his bitter heat,
His questions are directed to himself,
Since no one wants to b his friend
Since no one will rob minds together with him.

Why am I so unfortunate?
Why am I so unlucky?
Why am I so?
Why am I so?

© Olayiwola Tayelolu


This project had bounced around for a while, incomplete and needed lots of help. My vision was captured and communicated precisely. Thank you for another great job

Kelv Jr

United States

This is not the first time I am working with him, and as always, on time delivery of what is expected. He is a very important asset to our team. Thank you.



Amazing. Very good results always. He has been working with us for more than 2 years now and his quality and class remains uncompromised. Thank you for consistently growing with us

Steve Urrego


Olatuja Oloyede
Akure Ondo State, Nigeria


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