Hello,This is me!

Olatuja Oloyede

Creative Writer Professional Web Designer Content Editor

About me


I'mOlatuja Oloyede

A Writer and a Tech Enthusiast

As a creative content writer, I have written over 400 poems, published books for many international organizations mostly in the United States, United Kingdom and Columbia. You will find many of my personal works on creativearena.org.ng. I also design all kinds of websites at pocket friendly prices. My area of expertise includes, but not limited to business or company websites, blogs, e-commerce, portfolios, community websites, multi-level marketing platforms, and e-learning platforms. I have my client-base both within and outside the continent of Africa. I also provide hosting services, cheap domain registration and almost free web maintenance for web owners and designers. I love astronomy with a special interest in astrobiology. I am curious to know if life exists beyond our planet and what form it might be. I love swimming, cycling, playing open-world games and simulation games. I sing, play piano, flutes, drums and trumpet, each with different degree of mastery. My conviction of God and divinity is not stereotypical and therefore not subjective to questionable theocracies of dogmatic minds. Sometimes, I wish I was born a billion years from now. Maybe then, teleportation, telepathy, time travel and telekinetic energy will not be mere fantasies of pseudoscience but a normalized technology of the age. But will humans be around for that long? I am curious the sun might swell in fury as a giant star and raze the earth to vapor or contracts with dull flames into a dwarf star and the earth will sink in stoning ice forever. Unfortunately, we will be gone with our curiosities except only if the soul of man is truly indestructible. I am frail, fallible, and human. I prioritize love, and humanity. I wish we let animals thrive in their habitats without killing them (especially the harmless ones) for food. I am Olatuja Oloyede and below are links to my other websites.


Web Design

2012-till date

With several years into web design and development, I have landed some impressive gigs and delivered amazing projects to organizations within and outside the United States. My web design firm started as HOT in 2012 later, TechlinkNig in 2017 and now Hubnig since 2019. These changes are necessitated by the constantly growing range of services rendered. Hubnig.com currently offers services in different categories, including web design, android applications, domain registration and hosting services, e-learning, multivendor services etc. Kindly check www.hubnig,com for details.

Creative Content Creator

2018-till date

I started my ghostwriting career officially in December 2018 and I have been able to work with individuals, groups and organisations from different countries of the world. Writing is my passion. I have written over 300 poems, short stories, faction and fictions.

Connection Avenue


I worked in the academic department

Creative Arena


Web Engineer


Web Design

I design all kinds of websites. I can help you design your blogs, portfolio websites, landing page, e-commerce websites, school websites, religion or group websites, among others.


This is my data and airtime automated vending platform. Our products are all offered at discount company price. You can get your airtime, data, cable tv subscriptions, exam cards, electricity bills, etc, on the website.

Creative Arena

This is my creative freelancing firm. We ghostwrite, copywrite, rewrite, or enhance your ideas and intentions in a uniquely captivating way. We have clients within and outside the continent. In case you need a writer for your projects or ideas, you can contact me for more details.


This platform offers a wide range of online services and opportunities. You can register for free to sell your products online, manage your store and reach global audience. You can choose to resell existing products at your own price and make profits. You can learn to become a web designer yourself. Visit hubnig.com to learn more.


This is like multiplesub.com. I would encourage you to use the first website. But this is an alternative platform for all our airtime and data vendors.


Oloyede Templates is a platform that offers over 2000 predesigned templates and installations for free to web designers. Check details of this at the above website.


Web Designed


Apps built


Creative Jobs Taken




The System of this World


Hall of Truth Daily Devotion

The Systems of this World

Text: Romans 12:2 (GNB)
Do not conform yourselves to the standard of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God____ what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.

The world has its own system in which the daily affairs of this life is being conducted and there is a constant battle over every soul as this standards work at variance against the will of God. Every fragments of the society and every facets of life has its own modus operandi which their daily activities are predicated upon. And as Christians, we are faced with constant choices of compromises and the precious dainties of this world seems to beckon on us. Our gaze on the priceless will of God is daily beclouded by the demands and dictate of this life. We have been drawn from the love of God to the fruitless rat race of this wasting world.

The Lord is coming expressly to enlighten you on how far you have gone at the expense of your eternal soul. He is saying, I have a plan for your life. A desire to keep you and preserve you in love. When we walk daily in tandem with this world, our business or daily activities, marriages, academic and even religious life will be a product of never lasting assurance. The world's measure of worth cast a gross smog and darkness on God's purposes on every lives.

We might have compromised our stand with God in several ways, but He is saying we come back and He will grant us rest. In His right hand dwells pleasures for evermore. You cannot love this world and God at the same time. Only a life lived for God counts. Do you know God will never fail you? Could it be that you are trying to make it right your own way is the same reason why things are going in awry direction? Say no to compromises today and stand tall for God. He will grant you victory.

Prayer: Lord prepare me as a living and acceptable sacrifice to you.


Facebook group: Hall of Truth

+234 810 499 5681

The Systems of this World 30/9/2015


Hall of Truth Daily Devotion

The Systems of this World

Text: Romans 12:2 (GNB)
Do not conform yourselves to the standard of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God____ what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.

The world has its own system in which the daily affairs of this life is being conducted and there is a constant battle over every soul as this standards work at variance against the will of God. Every fragments of the society and every facets of life has its own modus operandi which their daily activities are predicated upon. And as Christians, we are faced with constant choices of compromises and the precious dainties of this world seems to beckon on us. Our gaze on the priceless will of God is daily beclouded by the demands and dictate of this life. We have been drawn from the love of God to the fruitless rat race of this wasting world.

The Lord is coming expressly to enlighten you on how far you have gone at the expense of your eternal soul. He is saying, I have a plan for your life. A desire to keep you and preserve you in love. When we walk daily in tandem with this world, our business or daily activities, marriages, academic and even religious life will be a product of never lasting assurance. The world's measure of worth cast a gross smog and darkness on God's purposes on every lives.

We might have compromised our stand with God in several ways, but He is saying we come back and He will grant us rest. In His right hand dwells pleasures for evermore. You cannot love this world and God at the same time. Only a life lived for God counts. Do you know God will never fail you? Could it be that you are trying to make it right your own way is the same reason why things are going in awry direction? Say no to compromises today and stand tall for God. He will grant you victory.

Prayer: Lord prepare me as a living and acceptable sacrifice to you.


Facebook group: Hall of Truth

+234 810 499 5681

The Love of God Hall of Truth Daily Devotion 29/9/2015


Hall of Truth Daily Devotion

Text: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This scriptural passage is probably the most popular and variously construed verse of the Bible. Whichever way it is being dissected, it is the summary of the totality of the Gospel. God is the unimaginable embodiment of love, the perfection of kindness and the excellency of mercy. To redeem a lost world, He held back nothing, not even is only Son. His love transcends time and space. His mercy is baffling.

We know that our sins were speedily propelling us towards destruction and peril but the love of God found us in that state of helplessness and made us free even with the blessing of eternal life. However, we must say this morning that the love of God is not just available for the salvation of our soul. The love of God will keep us through the journey of life. It is available to the weak, the troubled, the perplexed, the depressed, the worried. It is the beckon of light to the lost and the ensign of mercy to the backslider.

Jesus blood can make the vilest siner clean, His love can restore those whose faith hasms dwindled. His love can give peace to the troubled and restore life to the dying. Today be conscious you have a God who loves you without measure, whoever or whatsoever you are.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for loving me so much. Let Your love prevail over every thing I am going through. Amen


Facebook group: Hall of Truth

+234 810 4995681

Don't be Troubled


Hall of Truth Daily Devotion

Text: John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Jesus says in this world, we are really going to experience some stuffs better known as tribulations. There will be moments of tears and weaknesses in the journey of life. The world itself is full of raging storm and trying momemts. Sometimes we really wonder why it is so. Have you stayed in such a situation where hot tears flows down your beautiful face and sadness wells up in your troubled heart? When i lost someone so dear to me several years back, i knew heaven can really come crouching.

However, my friend, I've noticed one thing about the storms of life. They are subtle and silent ways of beclouding our hearts against the power and love of God. Do you know that right there in your tears and weaknesses, He is there to give peace to your troubled heart. Are you heart broken today by someone or something? Jesus loves you. Life is not a bed of roses, it's a path in the valley full of ups and downs. The good news is that Jesus loves you beyond what you know or can imagine. Why not cast your trust on Him today. He can never fail.

Prayer: O God, keep me in your mercy to always love You and see You in everything I face in life.


Facebook group: Hall of Truth (over 2000 members)
Whatsapp Hall of Truth

Mobile: 08104995581

Story of a blind girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying:
“Just take care of my eyes dear.”

This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations.

Story of a Blind Girl (so touching)


There was a blind girl who hated herself just
because she was blind. She hated everyone,
except her loving boyfriend. He was always there
for her. She said that if she could only see the
world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her
and then she could see everything, including her
boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that
you can see the world, will you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her
boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry
him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and
later wrote a letter to her saying:
“Just take care of my eyes dear.”

This is how human brain changes when the
status changed. Only few remember what life
was before, and who’s always been there even in
the most painful situations.

The Most Important Things in life

A philosophy professor stood before his class
with some items on the table in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a
very large and empty mayonnaise jar and
proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in

He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles
and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar
lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the
open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was
full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and
poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled
up the remaining open areas of the jar.

He then asked once more if the jar was full. The
students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to
recognize that this jar represents your life. The
rocks are the important things – your family,
your partner, your health, your children – things
that if everything else was lost and only they
remained, your life would still be full. The
pebbles are the other things that matter – like
your job, your house, your car. The sand is
everything else, the small stuff.”

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he
continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or
the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you
spend all your time and energy on the small
stuff, you will never have room for the things
that are important to you. Pay attention to the
things that are critical to your happiness. Play
with your children. Take your partner out
dancing. There will always be time to go to work,
clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the

“Take care of the rocks first – the things that
really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just
Author Unknown

The Most Important Things in life


A philosophy professor stood before his class
with some items on the table in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a
very large and empty mayonnaise jar and
proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in

He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles
and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar
lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the
open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was
full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and
poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled
up the remaining open areas of the jar.

He then asked once more if the jar was full. The
students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to
recognize that this jar represents your life. The
rocks are the important things – your family,
your partner, your health, your children – things
that if everything else was lost and only they
remained, your life would still be full. The
pebbles are the other things that matter – like
your job, your house, your car. The sand is
everything else, the small stuff.”

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he
continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or
the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you
spend all your time and energy on the small
stuff, you will never have room for the things
that are important to you. Pay attention to the
things that are critical to your happiness. Play
with your children. Take your partner out
dancing. There will always be time to go to work,
clean the house, give a dinner party, or fix the

“Take care of the rocks first – the things that
really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just
Author Unknown

Laughing is a Great Medicine

Many years ago, Norman Cousins was diagnosed
as “terminally ill”. He was given six months to
live. His chance for recovery was 1 in 500.

He could see the worry, depression and anger in
his life contributed to, and perhaps helped cause,
his disease. He wondered, “If illness can be
caused by negativity, can wellness be created by

He decided to make an experiment of himself.
Laughter was one of the most positive activities
he knew. He rented all the funny movies he
could find – Keaton, Chaplin, Fields, the Marx
Brothers. (This was before VCRs, so he had to
rent the actual films.) He read funny stories. He
asked his friends to call him whenever they said,
heard or did something funny.

His pain was so great he could not sleep.
Laughing for 10 solid minutes, he found, relieved
the pain for several hours so he could sleep.
He fully recovered from his illness and lived
another 20 happy, healthy and productive years.
(His journey is detailed in his book, Anatomy of
an Illness.) He credits visualization, the love of
his family and friends, and laughter for his

Some people think laughter is a waste of time. It
is a luxury, they say, a frivolity, something to
indulge in only every so often.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Laughter
is essential to our equilibrium, to our well-being,
to our aliveness. If we’re not well, laughter helps
us get well; if we are well, laughter helps us stay
that way.

Since Cousins’ ground-breaking subjective work,
scientific studies have shown that laughter has a
curative effect on the body, the mind and the

So, if you like laughter, consider it sound medical
advice to indulge in it as often as you can. If you
don’t like laughter, then take your medicine –
laugh anyway.

Use whatever makes you laugh – movies,
sitcoms, Monty Python, records, books, New
Yorker cartoons, jokes, friends.

Give yourself permission to laugh – long and loud
and out loud – whenever anything strikes you as
funny. The people around you may think you’re
strange, but sooner or later they’ll join in even if
they don’t know what you’re laughing about.
Some diseases may be contagious, but none is
as contagious as the cure. . . laughter.

By Peter McWilliams
From “Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul”

Laughing is a Great Medicine


Many years ago, Norman Cousins was diagnosed
as “terminally ill”. He was given six months to
live. His chance for recovery was 1 in 500.

He could see the worry, depression and anger in
his life contributed to, and perhaps helped cause,
his disease. He wondered, “If illness can be
caused by negativity, can wellness be created by

He decided to make an experiment of himself.
Laughter was one of the most positive activities
he knew. He rented all the funny movies he
could find – Keaton, Chaplin, Fields, the Marx
Brothers. (This was before VCRs, so he had to
rent the actual films.) He read funny stories. He
asked his friends to call him whenever they said,
heard or did something funny.

His pain was so great he could not sleep.
Laughing for 10 solid minutes, he found, relieved
the pain for several hours so he could sleep.
He fully recovered from his illness and lived
another 20 happy, healthy and productive years.
(His journey is detailed in his book, Anatomy of
an Illness.) He credits visualization, the love of
his family and friends, and laughter for his

Some people think laughter is a waste of time. It
is a luxury, they say, a frivolity, something to
indulge in only every so often.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Laughter
is essential to our equilibrium, to our well-being,
to our aliveness. If we’re not well, laughter helps
us get well; if we are well, laughter helps us stay
that way.

Since Cousins’ ground-breaking subjective work,
scientific studies have shown that laughter has a
curative effect on the body, the mind and the

So, if you like laughter, consider it sound medical
advice to indulge in it as often as you can. If you
don’t like laughter, then take your medicine –
laugh anyway.

Use whatever makes you laugh – movies,
sitcoms, Monty Python, records, books, New
Yorker cartoons, jokes, friends.

Give yourself permission to laugh – long and loud
and out loud – whenever anything strikes you as
funny. The people around you may think you’re
strange, but sooner or later they’ll join in even if
they don’t know what you’re laughing about.
Some diseases may be contagious, but none is
as contagious as the cure. . . laughter.

By Peter McWilliams
From “Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul”

Black or White

When I was in elementary school, I got into a
major argument with a boy in my class. I have
forgotten what the argument was about, but I
have never forgotten the lesson I learned that

I was convinced that “I” was right and “he” was
wrong – and he was just as convinced that “I”
was wrong and “he” was right. The teacher
decided to teach us a very important lesson.
She brought us up to the front of the class and
placed him on one side of her desk and me on
the other. In the middle of her desk was a large,
round object. I could clearly see that it was
black. She asked the boy what color the object
was. “White,” he answered.

I couldn’t believe he said the object was white,
when it was obviously black! Another argument
started between my classmate and me, this time
about the color of the object.
The teacher told me to go stand where the boy
was standing and told him to come stand where
I had been. We changed places, and now she
asked me what the color of the object was. I
had to answer, “White.”
It was an object with two differently colored
sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Only
from my side it was black.

Sometimes we need to look at the problem from
the other person’s view in order to truly
understand his/her perspective.
Author Unknown

Black or White


When I was in elementary school, I got into a
major argument with a boy in my class. I have
forgotten what the argument was about, but I
have never forgotten the lesson I learned that

I was convinced that “I” was right and “he” was
wrong – and he was just as convinced that “I”
was wrong and “he” was right. The teacher
decided to teach us a very important lesson.
She brought us up to the front of the class and
placed him on one side of her desk and me on
the other. In the middle of her desk was a large,
round object. I could clearly see that it was
black. She asked the boy what color the object
was. “White,” he answered.

I couldn’t believe he said the object was white,
when it was obviously black! Another argument
started between my classmate and me, this time
about the color of the object.
The teacher told me to go stand where the boy
was standing and told him to come stand where
I had been. We changed places, and now she
asked me what the color of the object was. I
had to answer, “White.”
It was an object with two differently colored
sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Only
from my side it was black.

Sometimes we need to look at the problem from
the other person’s view in order to truly
understand his/her perspective.
Author Unknown

Too Late to Say I Love You

love-wallpapers-love-3300.jpg Boy and Girl are sitting alone in the park one night.... Boy : I guess we are the left overs in this world .... Girl: I think so.....All of my friends have boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left in this world with out any special person in our life ... Boy : Yup I don't know what to do .. Girl: I know! We'll play a game .. Boy : What game ? Girl: I'll be your girl friend for 30 days and you will be my boy friend ... Boy : That's a great plan in fact i don't have nothing to do much this following weeks... DAY 1 They watch their first movie and they both touched in a romantic film .. DAY 4 They went to the beach and have a picnic... Boy and Girl have their quality time together DAY 12 Boy invited Girl to a circus and they ride on a Horror House....Girl was scared and she touched Boy's hand but she touched someone else's hand and they both laughed... DAY 15 They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice and the fortune teller said: "My darling, Please don't waste the time of your life...Spend the rest of your time together happily" Then tears flow out from the teller's eyes DAY 20 Girl invited Boy to go to the hill and they saw a meteor...Girl mumbled something ... DAY 28 They sat on the bus and because of a bumpy road Girl gave her first kiss to Boy by accident ... DAY 29 11:37pm: Girl and Boy sat in the park where they first decided to play this game... Boy : I'm tired.... Do you want any drinks? I'll buy you one.... I'll just go down the road ... Girl: Apple Juice that's all ... Boy : Wait for me.... 20 mins later... a stranger approached Girl … Stranger : Are you a friend of that Boy ? Girl: Yes.. Why ? What happened ? Stranger : A reckless drunken driver ran over boy and he is critical in the hospital ... 11:57pm: The doctor went out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter ... Doctor: We found this in boy's pocket .. Girl reads the letter and it says: This past few days, i realized … you are really a cute girl and i am really falling for you.. Your cherish smile your everything when we played this game..... Before this game would end...I would like you to be my girl friend for the rest of my life.... I love you .... Girl crumples the paper and shouted: "I don't want you to die...I love you... Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something... I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me.... I love you! You cannot do this to me" Then the clock strikes 12 Boy's heart start pumping .... THEN IT WAS THE 30TH DAY

To Late to Say I Love You

Boy and Girl are sitting alone in the park
one night....
Boy : I guess we are the left overs in this
world ....
Girl: I think so.....All of my friends have
boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons
left in this world with out any special
person in our life ...
Boy : Yup I don't know what to do ..
Girl: I know! We'll play a game ..
Boy : What game ?
Girl: I'll be your girl friend for 30 days and
you will be my boy friend ...
Boy : That's a great plan in fact i don't have
nothing to do much this following weeks...
They watch their first movie and they both
touched in a romantic film ..
They went to the beach and have a
Boy and Girl have their quality time
DAY 12
Boy invited Girl to a circus and they
ride on a Horror House....Girl was scared
and she touched Boy's hand but she
someone else's hand and they both
DAY 15
They saw a fortune teller down the road
they asked for their future advice and the
teller said: "My darling, Please don't waste
time of your life...Spend the rest of your
time together
happily" Then tears flow out from the
teller's eyes
DAY 20
Girl invited Boy to go to the hill and
they saw a meteor...Girl mumbled
something ...
DAY 28
They sat on the bus and because of a
road Girl gave her first kiss to Boy by
accident ...
DAY 29
11:37pm: Girl and Boy sat in the park
they first decided to play this game...
Boy : I'm tired.... Do you want any drinks?
I'll buy you one....
I'll just go down the road ...
Girl: Apple Juice that's all ...
Boy : Wait for me....
20 mins later... a stranger approached Girl

Stranger : Are you a friend of that Boy ?
Girl: Yes.. Why ? What happened ?
Stranger : A reckless drunken driver ran
boy and he is critical in the hospital ...
11:57pm: The doctor went out of the
emergency room
and he handed out an apple juice and a
letter ...
Doctor: We found this in boy's pocket ..
Girl reads the letter and it says:
This past few days, i realized …
you are really a cute girl and i am really
falling for you..
Your cherish smile your everything when
played this game..... Before this game
would end...I
would like you to be my girl friend for the
rest of my life....
I love you ....
Girl crumples the paper and shouted:
"I don't want you to die...I love you...
Remember that night when we saw a
meteor, I mumbled something...
I mumbled that I wish we would be
together forever and never end this game.
Please don't leave me.... I love you! You
cannot do this to me"
Then the clock strikes 12
Boy's heart start pumping ....

A Touching Love Story

There was a boy and a girl.
They were best friends for years and years.
They could talk for hours on the phone and text
each others for days,
When they were together.
Not a single bad thought could cross their mind,
Every thing was great but one day;
The boy din't answer to call or reply to any text
for a day..
The girl was worried something is wrong..
At night she couldn't sleep.., she was sitting in
her room crying,
And it was then she realized hoe much he means
to her ...?
THE next morning:
She woke up from a call; it was boy...:)
GIRL: i am so glad that you called me,what
happened to you yesterday?
BOY: I was busy..
( The girl understood something wrong but
couldn't ask)
[ silence]
BOY: you know we should stop talking...!
GIRL: what..? but why??
BOY: sorry, bye..!
[ He disconnected the call the girl felt somebody
has slammed the door on her face]
Every thing else flashed in her mind ,
Cars running by her.
Roof of some building and sunset...
She couldn't understand any thing..
She started feeling lonely, rejected and broken..:
That was the answer to every thing! his words
were pouncing on her.
Her heart wanted to jump out.!
He was the one! "why".....?
She screamed at the top of her voice:
Then she made up mind to make a last try to get
him back....!
[ she called him up]
GIRL: i need to tell u something...
BOY : go ahead.
GIRL: I just wanted you to know something
before we stopped talking.
BOY:tell me !
GIRL: Are you alright??
[ She broke off ......!
She tried but maybe he really doesn't care for
She thought !
She wasn't her friend for first place......
TEARS were slowly running worst,.....:((
She left the house with a note....!
Phone rang in boy's room,
It was girl's mum,
The girl was lying in the Hospital got hit by car,:-
The boy rushed to the hospital were she was.
She Opened he eyes with boy's name...,
He took her hand..
BOY: I am sorry its all my fault....! but?
I promise when U Get better I'II MAKE IT UP TO
GIRL: I wont get better.
BOY: NO..! Don"t say that...(
GIRL: just tell me one thing why did you do it??
Boy told her that he had heart problem 'n
he didn't want her to be worried;
'n there was a risk he would have died..!
BOY : I did that because I...I...I...I LOVE YOU...?
GIRL ; I LOVE YOU TOO..? after that her heart
stopped beating ..... she died..!
The boy died after 10 minutes later from heart
attack ....
if you love sm1..?
Then don'y hold back your feelings..
Because love is the reason to live..

A Touching Love Story


There was a boy and a girl.
They were best friends for years and years.
They could talk for hours on the phone and text
each others for days,
When they were together.
Not a single bad thought could cross their mind,
Every thing was great but one day;
The boy din't answer to call or reply to any text
for a day..
The girl was worried something is wrong..
At night she couldn't sleep.., she was sitting in
her room crying,
And it was then she realized hoe much he means
to her ...?
THE next morning:
She woke up from a call; it was boy...:)
GIRL: i am so glad that you called me,what
happened to you yesterday?
BOY: I was busy..
( The girl understood something wrong but
couldn't ask)
[ silence]
BOY: you know we should stop talking...!
GIRL: what..? but why??
BOY: sorry, bye..!
[ He disconnected the call the girl felt somebody
has slammed the door on her face]
Every thing else flashed in her mind ,
Cars running by her.
Roof of some building and sunset...
She couldn't understand any thing..
She started feeling lonely, rejected and broken..:
That was the answer to every thing! his words
were pouncing on her.
Her heart wanted to jump out.!
He was the one! "why".....?
She screamed at the top of her voice:
Then she made up mind to make a last try to get
him back....!
[ she called him up]
GIRL: i need to tell u something...
BOY : go ahead.
GIRL: I just wanted you to know something
before we stopped talking.
BOY:tell me !
GIRL: Are you alright??
[ She broke off ......!
She tried but maybe he really doesn't care for
She thought !
She wasn't her friend for first place......
TEARS were slowly running worst,.....:((
She left the house with a note....!
Phone rang in boy's room,
It was girl's mum,
The girl was lying in the Hospital got hit by car,:-
The boy rushed to the hospital were she was.
She Opened he eyes with boy's name...,
He took her hand..
BOY: I am sorry its all my fault....! but?
I promise when U Get better I'II MAKE IT UP TO
GIRL: I wont get better.
BOY: NO..! Don"t say that...(
GIRL: just tell me one thing why did you do it??
Boy told her that he had heart problem 'n
he didn't want her to be worried;
'n there was a risk he would have died..!
BOY : I did that because I...I...I...I LOVE YOU...?
GIRL ; I LOVE YOU TOO..? after that her heart
stopped beating ..... she died..!
The boy died after 10 minutes later from heart
attack ....
if you love sm1..?
Then don'y hold back your feelings..
Because love is the reason to live..

Just A Glass of Milk (A love Story)


One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from
door to door to pay his
way through school, found he had only one thin
dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next
However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young
woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.
She thought he looked hungry so brought him a
glass of milk He drank it slowly, and then asked,
"How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied
"Mother has taught us never to
accept payment for a kindness."
He said... "Then I thank you from my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt;
stronger physically,
but his faith in God and man was strong also. He
had been ready to give up and quit.
Years later that young woman became critically
ill. The local doctors
were baffled. They finally sent her to the big
city, where they called in specialists to study her
disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the
When he heard the name of the town she came
from, a strange light filled
his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down
the hall of the hospital to her
room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to
see her.
He recognized her at once. He went back to the
room determined to do his best to save her life.
From that day he gave
special attention to the case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr.
Kelly requested the
business office to pass the final bill to him for
He looked at it, then wrote something on the
edge and the bill was sent
to her room. She feared to open it, for she was
sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for
it all. Finally, she looked, and something caught
her attention on the side as she read these
"Paid in full with one glass of milk." (Signed)
Dr. Howard Kelly.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart
prayed: "Thank You,
GOD, that Your love has spread abroad through
human hearts and hands."

Just A Glass of Milk (A love Story)

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from
door to door to pay his
way through school, found he had only one thin
dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next
However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young
woman opened the door.
Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.
She thought he looked hungry so brought him a
glass of milk He drank it slowly, and then asked,
"How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied
"Mother has taught us never to
accept payment for a kindness."
He said... "Then I thank you from my heart."
As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt;
stronger physically,
but his faith in God and man was strong also. He
had been ready to give up and quit.
Years later that young woman became critically
ill. The local doctors
were baffled. They finally sent her to the big
city, where they called in specialists to study her
disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the
When he heard the name of the town she came
from, a strange light filled
his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down
the hall of the hospital to her
room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to
see her.
He recognized her at once. He went back to the
room determined to do his best to save her life.
From that day he gave
special attention to the case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr.
Kelly requested the
business office to pass the final bill to him for
He looked at it, then wrote something on the
edge and the bill was sent
to her room. She feared to open it, for she was
sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for
it all. Finally, she looked, and something caught
her attention on the side as she read these
"Paid in full with one glass of milk." (Signed)
Dr. Howard Kelly.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart
prayed: "Thank You,
GOD, that Your love has spread abroad through
human hearts and hands."

A Love Story

There was once this guy who was very much in
love with his girl.
This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper
cranes as a
gift to his girl.
Although, at that time he was just a small fry in
his company, his
future didn't seem too bright, they were very
happy together. Until one day,
his girl told him she was going to Paris and will
never come back. She also told
him that she cannot visualize any future for the
both of them, so they went their own ways
there and then...
Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he
regained his confidence, he
worked hard day and night, slogging his body and
mind just to make something out of
Finally with all the hard work and the help of
friends, this guy had
set up his own company ..
You never fail until you stop trying. One rainy
day, while this guy was
driving, he saw an elderly
couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to
some destination. Even
with the umbrella, they
were still drenched. It didn't take him long to
realize they were his
girl's parents. With a heart
in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside
the couple, wanting them
to spot him in his luxury
sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't
the same any more; he had
his own company, car, condo, etc.
He made it! What he saw next confused him, the
couple was walking
towards a cemetery, and so he got out
of his car and followed...and he saw his girl, a
photograph of her
smiling sweetly as ever at him from
her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right
beside her...
Her parents saw him. He asked them why this
had happened. They
explained, she did not leave for France at all.
She was ill with cancer. She had believed that he
will make it someday,
but she did not want to be
his obstacle... therefore she had chosen to leave
him. Just because
someone doesn't love you the way you
want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you
with all they have. She
had wanted her parents to put
his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day
comes when fate brings
him to her again...he can take some
of those back with him... Once you have loved,
you will always love. For
what's in your mind may escape but what's in
your heart will remain forever.
The guy just wept......The worst way to miss
someone is to be sitting
right beside her knowing you can't have her,
see her or be with her ever again....... ..hope you
understand. Find
time to realise that there is one person
who means so much to you, for you might wake
up one morning losing that
person who you thought meant nothing to you.

A Love Story


There was once this guy who was very much in
love with his girl.
This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper
cranes as a
gift to his girl.
Although, at that time he was just a small fry in
his company, his
future didn't seem too bright, they were very
happy together. Until one day,
his girl told him she was going to Paris and will
never come back. She also told
him that she cannot visualize any future for the
both of them, so they went their own ways
there and then...
Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he
regained his confidence, he
worked hard day and night, slogging his body and
mind just to make something out of
Finally with all the hard work and the help of
friends, this guy had
set up his own company ..
You never fail until you stop trying. One rainy
day, while this guy was
driving, he saw an elderly
couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to
some destination. Even
with the umbrella, they
were still drenched. It didn't take him long to
realize they were his
girl's parents. With a heart
in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside
the couple, wanting them
to spot him in his luxury
sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't
the same any more; he had
his own company, car, condo, etc.
He made it! What he saw next confused him, the
couple was walking
towards a cemetery, and so he got out
of his car and followed...and he saw his girl, a
photograph of her
smiling sweetly as ever at him from
her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right
beside her...
Her parents saw him. He asked them why this
had happened. They
explained, she did not leave for France at all.
She was ill with cancer. She had believed that he
will make it someday,
but she did not want to be
his obstacle... therefore she had chosen to leave
him. Just because
someone doesn't love you the way you
want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you
with all they have. She
had wanted her parents to put
his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day
comes when fate brings
him to her again...he can take some
of those back with him... Once you have loved,
you will always love. For
what's in your mind may escape but what's in
your heart will remain forever.
The guy just wept......The worst way to miss
someone is to be sitting
right beside her knowing you can't have her,
see her or be with her ever again....... ..hope you
understand. Find
time to realise that there is one person
who means so much to you, for you might wake
up one morning losing that
person who you thought meant nothing to you.

My Mom is a Liar


My Mom is a LIAR.The touching story of a
dedicated mother.By Bernand.
This story began when I was a child. I
was born into a poor family which,
most of the time, did not have enough
food to fill our hungry stomachs.
Whenever meal times came, mother
would often give me her portion of
rice. While she transfers her rice into
my bowl, she would always say, “Eat
this rice, son. I’m not hungry.”
That was Mother’s First
When I was growing up, my persevering
mother spent her spare time fishing in
a river near our house, hoping that the
fish she caught could provide a little
bit of nutrition needed for my growth.
After fishing, she would cook some
fresh fish soup, which stimulated my
appetite. Oftentimes, while I partake
of the soup, mother would sit beside
me and eat the remaining parts left on
the bone of the fish I had eaten. My
heart gets deeply touched when I see
that, so I use my fork and give the
other fish portion to her. But she
always refuses and tells me, “Eat the
fish, son. I don’t really like fish.”
That was Mother’s Second
Then, when I was in Junior High School,
to fund my studies, mother went to an
economic enterprise to bring home
some used match boxes that would
need to be stuck together. It gave her
some money to cover our needs. One
night, as the winter came, I woke up
from my sleep and saw my mother who
was still awake, sticking some used
match boxes by the candlelight. I said,
“Mother, go to sleep. It’s late and
tomorrow morning you still have to go
to work.” Mother smiled and said, “Go
to sleep, dear. I’m not tired.”
That was Mother’s Third
The final term arrived and Mother
asked for leave from work in order to
accompany me. My mother waited for
me patiently, under the heat for several
hours, to finish my exam. As the bell
rang, which indicated that the final
exam had finished, mother immediately
welcomed me and poured me a cup of
tea that she brought in a flask. Seeing
my mother covered with perspiration
from standing too long under the sun,
I at once gave her my cup and asked
her to drink too. However, mother
pushed the cup back to me and said,
“Drink, son. I’m not thirsty! ”
That was Mother’s Fourth
After the death of my father due to
illness, my poor mother had to provide
for us as a single parent. She had to
fund our needs alone. Our family’s life
became more complicated and no day
went by without some form of
suffering. Our family’s condition was
getting worse, but we were blessed
with a kind uncle who lived near our
house and assisted every now and then.
Our neighbors often advised my mother
to marry again, but mother was
stubborn and didn’t heed their advice,
saying, “I don’t need love.”
That was Mother’s Fifth
After I had finished my studies and got
a job, it was the time for my old
mother to retire. But she didn’t want
to; she would go to the market place
every morning, just to sell some
vegetables to support her needs. I, who
worked in another city, often sent her
some money to help her, but she
would not accept the money. At times,
she even sent the money back to me,
saying, “I have enough money.”
That was Mother’s Sixth
Since I already had a Bachelor’s
Degree, I decided to pursue a Master’s
Degree funded by a company through a
scholarship program. Consequently, I
was given an opportunity to work in
that company. Finally, with a good
enough salary, I intended to bring my
mother to live with me so that she
could enjoy her life in the Gulf. But my
lovely mother didn’t want to bother
her son. She said to me, “I’m not used
to that kind of life, son.”
That was Mother’s Seventh
In her old age, mother got stomach
cancer and had to be hospitalized. I,
who lived miles away and across the
ocean, went home to visit my dearest
mother. She laid weak on her bed after
having an operation. Mother, who
looked so old, was staring at me in
deep thought. She tried to put on a
warm smile for me, but it took a
considerable effort on her part.
Looking so frail and weak, it was
evident that the disease had ravaged
my mother’s body. Not even bothering
to wipe the tears flowing freely from
my eyes, I stared at my mother, and
my heart hurt so much. But mother,
with the little strength she had
remaining, said, “Don’t cry, my dear.
I’m not in pain.”
That was Mother’s Eighth
and Last Lie.
After saying her eighth lie, my dearest
mother closed her eyes forever.

Friends are Angels

This was a really awesome story i found online, i
wanted to share it with you guys, :-) –
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I
saw a kid from my class walking home from
school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was
carrying all of his books, and I thought to myself,
“Why would anyone bring home all his books on
a Friday? He must really be a nerd.”
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a
football game with my friends tomorrow
afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went
on. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids
running toward him. They ran right up to him,
knocking all his books out of his arms and
tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses
went flying, and I saw them land in the grass
about ten feet from him.
Then he looked up, and I saw this terrible
sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him.
So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled
around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear
in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said,
“Those guys are jerks. They really should get a
He looked at me and said, “Hey thanks!” There
was a big smile on his face. It was one of those
smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him
pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.
As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked
him why I had never seen him before. He said he
had gone to private school before now. I would
have never hung out with a private school kid
before. We talked all the way home, and I
carried his books.
He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked
him if he wanted to play football on Saturday
with me and my friends. He said yes. We hung
all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the
more I liked him, and my friends thought the
same of him. Monday morning came, and there
was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I
stopped him and said, “Boy, you are gonna really
build some serious muscles with this pile of
books everyday!”
He just laughed and handed me half the books.
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best
friends. When we were seniors, began to think
about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and
I was going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the
miles would never be a problem. He was going to
be a doctor, and I was going for business on a
football scholarship. Kyle was valedictorian of
our class and I teased him all the time about
being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for
graduation. I was so glad it wasn’t me having to
get up there and speak.
On Graduation Day, I saw Kyle. He looked great.
He was one of those guys that really found
himself during high school. He filled out and
actually looked good in glasses. He had more
dates than me and all the girls loved him. Boy,
sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of
those days.
I could see that he was nervous about his
speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said,
“Hey, big guy, you’ll be great!” He looked at me
with one of those looks (the really grateful one),
and smiled. “Thanks,” he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat,
and began.
“Graduation is a time to thank those who helped
you make it through those tough years. Your
parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a
coach… but mostly your friends. I am here to tell
all of you that being a friend to someone is the
best gift you can give them. I am going to tell
you a story.”
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he
told the story of the first day we met . He had
planned to kill himself over the weekend. He
talked of how he had cleaned out his locker, so
his Mom wouldn’t have to do it later, and was
carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me
and gave me a little smile.
“Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me
from doing the unspeakable.” I heard the gasp go
through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy
told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his
Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that
same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I
realize its depth.
Never underestimate the power of your actions.
With one small gesture you can change a
person’s life. For better or for worse. God puts
us all in each other’s lives to impact one another
in some way. Look for God in others.
“Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when
our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.”

Friends are Angels


This was a really awesome story i found online, i
wanted to share it with you guys, :-) –
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I
saw a kid from my class walking home from
school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was
carrying all of his books, and I thought to myself,
“Why would anyone bring home all his books on
a Friday? He must really be a nerd.”
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a
football game with my friends tomorrow
afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went
on. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids
running toward him. They ran right up to him,
knocking all his books out of his arms and
tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses
went flying, and I saw them land in the grass
about ten feet from him.
Then he looked up, and I saw this terrible
sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him.
So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled
around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear
in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said,
“Those guys are jerks. They really should get a
He looked at me and said, “Hey thanks!” There
was a big smile on his face. It was one of those
smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him
pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.
As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked
him why I had never seen him before. He said he
had gone to private school before now. I would
have never hung out with a private school kid
before. We talked all the way home, and I
carried his books.
He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked
him if he wanted to play football on Saturday
with me and my friends. He said yes. We hung
all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the
more I liked him, and my friends thought the
same of him. Monday morning came, and there
was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I
stopped him and said, “Boy, you are gonna really
build some serious muscles with this pile of
books everyday!”
He just laughed and handed me half the books.
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best
friends. When we were seniors, began to think
about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and
I was going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the
miles would never be a problem. He was going to
be a doctor, and I was going for business on a
football scholarship. Kyle was valedictorian of
our class and I teased him all the time about
being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for
graduation. I was so glad it wasn’t me having to
get up there and speak.
On Graduation Day, I saw Kyle. He looked great.
He was one of those guys that really found
himself during high school. He filled out and
actually looked good in glasses. He had more
dates than me and all the girls loved him. Boy,
sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of
those days.
I could see that he was nervous about his
speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said,
“Hey, big guy, you’ll be great!” He looked at me
with one of those looks (the really grateful one),
and smiled. “Thanks,” he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat,
and began.
“Graduation is a time to thank those who helped
you make it through those tough years. Your
parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a
coach… but mostly your friends. I am here to tell
all of you that being a friend to someone is the
best gift you can give them. I am going to tell
you a story.”
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he
told the story of the first day we met . He had
planned to kill himself over the weekend. He
talked of how he had cleaned out his locker, so
his Mom wouldn’t have to do it later, and was
carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me
and gave me a little smile.
“Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me
from doing the unspeakable.” I heard the gasp go
through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy
told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his
Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that
same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I
realize its depth.
Never underestimate the power of your actions.
With one small gesture you can change a
person’s life. For better or for worse. God puts
us all in each other’s lives to impact one another
in some way. Look for God in others.
“Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when
our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.”



Olatuja Oloyede: His Words Preserves

Nay, God’s Words is not an advice
Or charms for enriching device
But Jesus who died for all men
To reconcile them back to God
Not the mere stroke of men’s pen
But demonstration of the power of God

Some may have the sacred gospel perverted
They are never to this life converted
They merchandise with His name
But that is to their eternal shame
For if you know this salvation
His words will keep you fit for coronation

Christopher Okigbo: Heaven's gate


BEFORE YOU, mother Idoto*,
Naked I stand;
Before your watery presence,
A prodigal
Leaning on an oilbean,
Lost in your legend.
Under your power wait I
on barefoot,
watchman for the watchword
at Heavensgate;
out of the depths my cry:
give ear and hearken…

DARK WATERS of the beginning.
Rays, violet and short, piercing the gloom,
Foreshadow the fire that is dreamed of.
Rainbow on far side, arched like a boa bent to
foreshadows the rain that is dreamed of.
Me to the orangey
Solitude invites,
A wagtail, to tell
The tangled-wood-tale;
A sunbird, to mourn
A mother on a spray.
Rain and sun in single combat;
On one leg standing,
In silence at the passage,
The young bird at the passage.

SILENT FACES at crossroads:
Festivity in black…
Faces of black like long black
column of ants,
behind the bell tower,
into the hot garden
where all roads meet:
festivity in black…
O Anna at the knobs of the panel oblong,
hear us at crossroads at the great hinges
where the players of loft pipe organs
rehearse old lovely fragments, alone-
strains of pressed orange leaves on pages,
bleach of the light of years held in leather:
For we are listening in cornfields
Among the wind players,
Listening to the wind leaning over
Its loveliest fragment…

To the Young Mosquito by Olatuja Oloyede

A mosquito went out flying for the first time in
its life. The father asked; "How do you feel?" the
mosquito answered; "It was GREAT! Everyone
was just clapping for me". The father replied,
"They weren't clapping for you. They wanted to
kill you. The more they clap, the more likely that
you will die soon."

Friends, I know you know that good things
destroys, so take heed lest you fall. The lust of
the eyes, the lust of the heart and the pride of
life! They are easy snare found everywhere in
the world today. Our journey is just once and it
will soon be over! God is our strength amen. —

D H Lawrence: Snake

A snake came to my water-trough
On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,
To drink there.

In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great
dark carob-tree
I came down the steps with my pitcher
And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he
was at the trough before

He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall
in the gloom
And trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft-
bellied down, over the edge of
the stone trough
And rested his throat upon the stone bottom,
i o And where the water had dripped from the
tap, in a small clearness,
He sipped with his straight mouth,
Softly drank through his straight gums, into his
slack long body,

Someone was before me at my water-trough,
And I, like a second comer, waiting.

He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do,
And looked at me vaguely, as drinking cattle do,
And flickered his two-forked tongue from his lips,
and mused a moment,
And stooped and drank a little more,
Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning
bowels of the earth
On the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking.
The voice of my education said to me
He must be killed,
For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent,
the gold are venomous.

And voices in me said, If you were a man
You would take a stick and break him now, and
finish him off.

But must I confess how I liked him,
How glad I was he had come like a guest in
quiet, to drink at my water-trough
And depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless,
Into the burning bowels of this earth?


Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him? Was
it perversity, that I longed to talk to him? Was it
humility, to feel so honoured?
I felt so honoured.

And yet those voices:
If you were not afraid, you would kill him!

And truly I was afraid, I was most afraid, But
even so, honoured still more
That he should seek my hospitality
From out the dark door of the secret earth.

He drank enough
And lifted his head, dreamily, as one who has
And flickered his tongue like a forked night on
the air, so black,
Seeming to lick his lips,
And looked around like a god, unseeing, into the
And slowly turned his head,
And slowly, very slowly, as if thrice a dream,
Proceeded to draw his slow length curving round
And climb again the broken bank of my wall-

And as he put his head into that dreadful hole,
And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his
shoulders, and entered farther,
A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his
withdrawing into that horrid black hole,
Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly
drawing himself after,
Overcame me now his back was turned.

I looked round, I put down my pitcher,
I picked up a clumsy log
And threw it at the water-trough with a clatter.

I think it did not hit him,
But suddenly that part of him that was left
behind convulsed in undignified haste.
Writhed like lightning, and was gone
Into the black hole, the earth-lipped fissure in the
At which, in the intense still noon, I stared with

And immediately I regretted it.
I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean
I despised myself and the voices of my accursed
human education.

And I thought of the albatross
And I wished he would come back, my snake.

For he seemed to me again like a king,
Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,
Now due to be crowned again.
And so, I missed my chance with one of the
Of life.
And I have something to expiate:
A pettiness.

T. S. Elliott: Gerontion

Thou hast nor youth nor age
But as it were an after dinner sleep
Dreaming of both.
HERE I am, an old man in a dry month,
Being read to by a boy, waiting for rain.
I was neither at the hot gates
Nor fought in the warm rain
Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a
Bitten by flies, fought.
My house is a decayed house,
And the jew squats on the window sill, the
Spawned in some estaminet of Antwerp,
Blistered in Brussels, patched and peeled in
The goat coughs at night in the field overhead;
Rocks, moss, stonecrop, iron, merds.
The woman keeps the kitchen, makes tea,
Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.
I an old man,
A dull head among windy spaces.
Signs are taken for wonders. “We would see a
The word within a word, unable to speak a word,
Swaddled with darkness. In the juvescence of
the year
Came Christ the tiger
In depraved May, dogwood and chestnut,
flowering judas,
To be eaten, to be divided, to be drunk
Among whispers; by Mr. Silvero
With caressing hands, at Limoges
Who walked all night in the next room;
By Hakagawa, bowing among the Titians;
By Madame de Tornquist, in the dark room
Shifting the candles; Fraulein von Kulp
Who turned in the hall, one hand on the door.
Vacant shuttles
Weave the wind. I have no ghosts,
An old man in a draughty house
Under a windy knob.
After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think
History has many cunning passages, contrived
And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions,
Guides us by vanities. Think now
She gives when our attention is distracted
And what she gives, gives with such supple
That the giving famishes the craving. Gives too
What’s not believed in, or if still believed,
In memory only, reconsidered passion. Gives too
Into weak hands, what’s thought can be
dispensed with
Till the refusal propagates a fear. Think
Neither fear nor courage saves us. Unnatural
Are fathered by our heroism. Virtues
Are forced upon us by our impudent crimes.
These tears are shaken from the wrath-bearing
The tiger springs in the new year. Us he devours.
Think at last
We have not reached conclusion, when I
Stiffen in a rented house. Think at last
I have not made this show purposelessly
And it is not by any concitation
Of the backward devils
I would meet you upon this honestly.
I that was near your heart was removed
To lose beauty in terror, terror in inquisition.
I have lost my passion: why should I need to
keep it
Since what is kept must be adulterated?
I have lost my sight, smell, hearing, taste and
How should I use it for your closer contact?
These with a thousand small deliberations
Protract the profit of their chilled delirium,
Excite the membrane, when the sense has
With pungent sauces, multiply variety
In a wilderness of mirrors. What will the spider
Suspend its operations, will the weevil
Delay? De Bailhache, Fresca, Mrs. Cammel,
Beyond the circuit of the shuddering Bear
In fractured atoms. Gull against the wind, in the
windy straits
Of Belle Isle, or running on the Horn,
White feathers in the snow, the Gulf claims,
And an old man driven by the Trades
To a a sleepy corner.
Tenants of the house,
Thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season.

T S Elliott: The Waste Land

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the
With a shower of rain; we stopped in the
And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten,
And drank coffee, and talked for an hour.
Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt
And when we were children, staying at the
My cousin’s, he took me out on a sled,
And I was frightened. He said, Marie,
Marie, hold on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel free.
I read, much of the night, and go south in the
What are the roots that clutch, what branches
Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket
no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water. Only
There is shadow under this red rock,
(Come in under the shadow of this red rock),
And I will show you something different from
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
Frisch weht der Wind
Der Heimat zu,
Mein Irisch Kind,
Wo weilest du?
“You gave me hyacinths first a year ago;
They called me the hyacinth girl.”
—Yet when we came back, late, from the
Hyacinth garden,
Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not
Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither
Living nor dead, and I knew nothing,
Looking into the heart of light, the silence.
Öd’ und leer das Meer.
Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyante,
Had a bad cold, nevertheless
Is known to be the wisest woman in Europe,
With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she,
Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor,
(Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!)
Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks,
The lady of situations.
Here is the man with three staves, and here the
And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this
Which is blank, is something he carries on his
Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find
The Hanged Man. Fear death by water.
I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring.
Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone,
Tell her I bring the horoscope myself:
One must be so careful these days.
Unreal City,
Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,
A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,
I had not thought death had undone so many.
Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,
And each man fixed his eyes before his feet.
Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,
To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours
With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine.
There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying
You who were with me in the ships at Mylae!
That corpse you planted last year in your garden,
Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?
Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed?
Oh keep the Dog far hence, that’s friend to men,
Or with his nails he’ll dig it up again!
You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon
The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne,
Glowed on the marble, where the glass
Held up by standards wrought with fruited vines
From which a golden Cupidon peeped out
(Another hid his eyes behind his wing)
Doubled the flames of sevenbranched candelabra
Reflecting light upon the table as
The glitter of her jewels rose to meet it,
From satin cases poured in rich profusion;
In vials of ivory and coloured glass
Unstoppered, lurked her strange synthetic
Unguent, powdered, or liquid—troubled, confused
And drowned the sense in odours; stirred by the
That freshened from the window, these
In fattening the prolonged candle-flames,
Flung their smoke into the laquearia,
Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling.
Huge sea-wood fed with copper
Burned green and orange, framed by the coloured
In which sad light a carvèd dolphin swam.
Above the antique mantel was displayed
As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene
The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king
So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale
Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
And still she cried, and still the world pursues,
“Jug Jug” to dirty ears.
And other withered stumps of time
Were told upon the walls; staring forms
Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed.
Footsteps shuffled on the stair,
Under the firelight, under the brush, her hair
Spread out in fiery points
Glowed into words, then would be savagely still.
“My nerves are bad to-night. Yes, bad. Stay with
Speak to me. Why do you never speak? Speak.
What are you thinking of? What thinking? What?
I never know what you are thinking. Think.”
I think we are in rats’ alley
Where the dead men lost their bones.
“What is that noise?”
The wind under the door.
“What is that noise now? What is the wind
Nothing again nothing.
You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you
I remember
Those are pearls that were his eyes.
“Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your
O O O O that Shakespeherian Rag—
It’s so elegant
So intelligent
“What shall I do now? What shall I do?
I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street
With my hair down, so. What shall we do to-
What shall we ever do?”
The hot water at ten.
And if it rains, a closed car at four.
And we shall play a game of chess,
Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock
upon the door.
When Lil’s husband got demobbed, I said,
I didn’t mince my words, I said to her myself,
Now Albert’s coming back, make yourself a bit
He’ll want to know what you done with that
money he gave you
To get yourself some teeth. He did, I was there.
You have them all out, Lil, and get a nice set,
He said, I swear, I can’t bear to look at you.
And no more can’t I, I said, and think of poor
He’s been in the army four years, he wants a
good time,
And if you don’t give it him, there’s others will, I
Oh is there, she said. Something o’ that, I said.
Then I’ll know who to thank, she said, and give
me a straight look.
If you don’t like it you can get on with it, I said,
Others can pick and choose if you can’t.
But if Albert makes off, it won’t be for lack of
You ought to be ashamed, I said, to look so
(And her only thirty-one.)
I can’t help it, she said, pulling a long face,
It’s them pills I took, to bring it off, she said.
(She’s had five already, and nearly died of young
The chemist said it would be alright, but I’ve
never been the same.
You are a proper fool, I said.
Well, if Albert won’t leave you alone, there it is, I
What you get married for if you don’t want
Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a
hot gammon,
And they asked me in to dinner, to get the
beauty of it hot—
Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May.
Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies,
good night, good night.
The river’s tent is broken: the last fingers of leaf
Clutch and sink into the wet bank. The wind
Crosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs
are departed.
Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song.
The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich
Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette
Or other testimony of summer nights. The
nymphs are departed.
And their friends, the loitering heirs of city
Departed, have left no addresses.
By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept…
Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song,
Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or
But at my back in a cold blast I hear
The rattle of the bones, and chuckle spread from
ear to ear.
A rat crept softly through the vegetation
Dragging its slimy belly on the bank
While I was fishing in the dull canal
On a winter evening round behind the gashouse.
Musing upon the king my brother’s wreck
And on the king my father’s death before him.
White bodies naked on the low damp ground
And bones cast in a little low dry garret,
Rattled by the rat’s foot only, year to year.
But at my back from time to time I hear
The sound of horns and motors, which shall
Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring.
O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter
And on her daughter
They wash their feet in soda water
Et, O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!
Twit twit twit
Jug jug jug jug jug jug
So rudely forc’d.
Unreal City
Under the brown fog of a winter noon
Mr Eugenides, the Smyrna merchant
Unshaven, with a pocket full of currants
C. i. f. London: documents at sight,
Asked me in demotic French
To luncheon at the Cannon Street Hotel
Followed by a week-end at the Metropole.
At the violet hour, when the eyes and back
Turn upward from the desk, when the human
engine waits
Like a taxi throbbing waiting,
I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two
Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see
At the violet hour, the evening hour that strives
Homeward, and brings the sailor home from sea,
The typist home at tea-time, clears her
breakfast, lights
Her stove, and lays out food in tins.
Out of the window perilously spread
Her drying combinations touched by the sun’s
last rays,
On the divan are piled (at night her bed)
Stockings, slippers, camisoles, and stays.
I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs
Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest—
I too awaited the expected guest.
He, the young man carbuncular, arrives,
A small house-agent’s clerk, with one bold stare,
One of the low on whom assurance sits
As a silk hat on a Bradford millionaire.
The time is now propitious, as he guesses,
The meal is ended, she is bored and tired,
Endeavours to engage her in caresses
Which still are unreproved, if undesired.
Flushed and decided, he assaults at once;
Exploring hands encounter no defence;
His vanity requires no response,
And makes a welcome of indifference.
(And I Tiresias have foresuffered all
Enacted on this same divan or bed;
I who have sat by Thebes below the wall
And walked among the lowest of the dead.)
Bestows one final patronizing kiss,
And gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit…
She turns and looks a moment in the glass,
Hardly aware of her departed lover;
Her brain allows one half-formed thought to
“Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over.”
When lovely woman stoops to folly and
Paces about her room again, alone,
She smoothes her hair with automatic hand,
And puts a record on the gramophone.
“This music crept by me upon the waters”
And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria Street.
O City City, I can sometimes hear
Beside a public bar in Lower Thames Street,
The pleasant whining of a mandoline
And a clatter and a chatter from within
Where fishmen lounge at noon: where the walls
Of Magnus Martyr hold
Inexplicable splendour of Ionian white and gold.
The river sweats
Oil and tar
The barges drift
With the turning tide
Red sails
To leeward, swing on the heavy spar.
The barges wash
Drifting logs
Down Greenwich reach
Past the Isle of Dogs.
Weialala leia
Wallala leialala
Elizabeth and Leicester
Beating oars
The stern was formed
A gilded shell
Red and gold
The brisk swell
Rippled both shores
South-west wind
Carried down stream
The peal of bells
White towers
Weialala leia
Wallala leialala
“Trams and dusty trees.
Highbury bore me. Richmond and Kew
Undid me. By Richmond I raised my knees
Supine on the floor of a narrow canoe.“
“My feet are at Moorgate, and my heart
Under my feet. After the event
He wept. He promised ‘a new start.’
I made no comment. What should I resent?”
“On Margate Sands.
I can connect
Nothing with nothing.
The broken finger-nails of dirty hands.
My people humble people who expect
la la
To Carthage then I came
Burning burning burning burning
O Lord Thou pluckest me out
O Lord Thou pluckest
Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead,
Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep seas swell
And the profit and loss.
A current under sea
Picked his bones in whispers. As he rose and fell
He passed the stages of his age and youth
Entering the whirlpool.
Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and
tall as you.
After the torch-light red on sweaty faces
After the frosty silence in the gardens
After the agony in stony places
The shouting and the crying
Prison and place and reverberation
Of thunder of spring over distant mountains
He who was living is now dead
We who were living are now dying
With a little patience
Here is no water but only rock
Rock and no water and the sandy road
The road winding above among the mountains
Which are mountains of rock without water
If there were water we should stop and drink
Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think
Sweat is dry and feet are in the sand
If there were only water amongst the rock
Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that
cannot spit
Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit
There is not even silence in the mountains
But dry sterile thunder without rain
There is not even solitude in the mountains
But red sullen faces sneer and snarl
From doors of mud-cracked houses
If there were water
And no rock
If there were rock
And also water
And water
A spring
A pool among the rock
If there were the sound of water only
Not the cicada
And dry grass singing
But sound of water over a rock
Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees
Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop
But there is no water
Who is the third who walks always beside you?
When I count, there are only you and I together
But when I look ahead up the white road
There is always another one walking beside you
Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded
I do not know whether a man or a woman
—But who is that on the other side of you?
What is that sound high in the air
Murmur of maternal lamentation
Who are those hooded hordes swarming
Over endless plains, stumbling in cracked earth
Ringed by the flat horizon only
What is the city over the mountains
Cracks and reforms and bursts in the violet air
Falling towers
Jerusalem Athens Alexandria
Vienna London
A woman drew her long black hair out tight
And fiddled whisper music on those strings
And bats with baby faces in the violet light
Whistled, and beat their wings
And crawled head downward down a blackened
And upside down in air were towers
Tolling reminiscent bells, that kept the hours
And voices singing out of empty cisterns and
exhausted wells.
In this decayed hole among the mountains
In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing
Over the tumbled graves, about the chapel
There is the empty chapel, only the wind’s
It has no windows, and the door swings,
Dry bones can harm no one.
Only a cock stood on the roof-tree
Co co rico co co rico
In a flash of lightning. Then a damp gust
Bringing rain
Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves
Waited for rain, while the black clouds
Gathered far distant, over Himavant.
The jungle crouched, humped in silence.
Then spoke the thunder
Datta: what have we given?
My friend, blood shaking my heart
The awful daring of a moment’s surrender
Which an age of prudence can never retract
By this, and this only, we have existed
Which is not to be found in our obituaries
Or in memories draped by the beneficent spider
Or under seals broken by the lean solicitor
In our empty rooms
Dayadhvam: I have heard the key
Turn in the door once and turn once only
We think of the key, each in his prison
Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison
Only at nightfall, aetherial rumours
Revive for a moment a broken Coriolanus
Damyata: The boat responded
Gaily, to the hand expert with sail and oar
The sea was calm, your heart would have
Gaily, when invited, beating obedient
To controlling hands
I sat upon the shore
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Shall I at least set my lands in order?
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling
Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam ceu chelidon —O swallow swallow
Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih

Not Jewry but Galilee by Olatuja Oloyede

There’s a land of Jewry
Where thy saviour won’t walk
It may be the nations’ talk
Wrapped in glittering glory
Avoid them, pilgrims, avoid them
By it the heroes were condemn’
Walk like Him in Galilee instead
Escape with your life as He’d said

Jewry maybe sinful company of friends
Circles of wayward pear
Who may be to you so dear
Yet they may be waiting fiends
If Jesus has not gone that way
Then those who really want to see his day
Will prefer the journey of Galilee
Where Jesus feet did floated on the sea
(John 7: 1)

Finishing Strong

THE ONLY HOPE ON THE DEATH BED ". . . Christ in you, the hope of glory:" Col. 1 : 27 Strong finishers are focused on the finishing line. Not the cheers of spectators, not the noise of the people, not the sound of the drum, not the glory of the beginning, or the victory of the past, but the final line of glory. That final line is inevitable, some cross it into eternal glory, some into eternal agony. After reading this short story of a Christian comrade, you will be encouraged to yearn for the shout of victory and not the noise of the battle. ~NOT THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT~ "John P. Finley, my brother, was born in North Carolina, June, 1783. He was in the ministry about fifteen years. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Asbury on the 17th of september 1815. He received ordination as elder at the hand of Bishop Roberts, July 2, 1820. At the time of his death he was a member of Kentucky Annual Conference actively dividing his time and energies between the business collegiate instruction and the labour of the pulpit. . . . As a minister, in the pulpit he was able, impressive, and overwhelming. THE CROSS OF HIS REDEMPTION was his theme; and in life and death, it became to him the "EMPHASIS OF EVERY JOY". In all these relations, I knew him well, and can, therefore, speak from the confidence of personal knowledge and accredited information. . . . He died on the 8th of May, 1825, in the forty- second year of his age, and sixteenth of his ministry: and at the same time that bereaved family wept upon his grave. The sadness of the Church told that she had lost one of her brightest ornaments. Just before his triumphant spirit rose and sigh no more, he was asked how he felt, and what were the prospects of entering the dark valley and shadow of death. He replied, in language worthy of immortality, Not the shadow of a doubt, I have Christ within, the Hope of glory. That comprehend all." and then, with the proto-matyr, he 'fell asleep'" ====>AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF REV. JAMES B. FINLEY This short reality is full of messages between the lines. This great soldier never compromise the standard of His (JESUS) words for the world. All he preached is THE CROSS OF HIS REDEMPTION (from a sinful world). On the beautiful bed of death, he victoriouly proclaim, "NOT A SHADOW OF DOUBT, CHRIST IS WITHIN, THE HOPE OF GLORY. . ." As we sail toward the shore of eternity, where we will soon step into from the boat of life, here are two question we must answer in our secret place with God. "Have I not compromise to the standard of this world? Is Christ, who is the hope of glory still within me?" No doubt, if we have Christ within us on that final day, we will cross into eternal glory with triumph, without doubt or fear, but if not, or not sure if Christ is still inside, this is the right time to seek God's presence in our heart. His plans towards us is to give us an expected end. Just to remind you we have a home above, with God, free from labours and tears. What joy to know heaven is mine. Amen. —


This project had bounced around for a while, incomplete and needed lots of help. My vision was captured and communicated precisely. Thank you for another great job

Kelv Jr

United States

This is not the first time I am working with him, and as always, on time delivery of what is expected. He is a very important asset to our team. Thank you.



Amazing. Very good results always. He has been working with us for more than 2 years now and his quality and class remains uncompromised. Thank you for consistently growing with us

Steve Urrego


Olatuja Oloyede
Akure Ondo State, Nigeria


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